Car Ride

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          Natalia Pov:

As I got in the Back seat of the car and Lucas sat in the passenger seat and Noah driving. Lucas tossed me a Stress Ball. All my brothers have it in the car because of my anger issues which are minor but when I'm mad, I'm Mad.

As we drove off Noah said:

"Natalia, sono molto fiero di te"(I'm very proud of you)making me confused 

"What...but I-..." 

"Yea we know, but old you would of probably slapped the girl just by her standing in front of your locker" Noah said chuckling a little and sighing to himself

"You obviously know we didn't want your first day of school like this" Lucas said looking back with sympathetic eyes.

"Yea I know but......I paused"

"What's wrong Principessa?" Lucas asked 

"Well umm.... (I squeezed the Stress ball than sighed" is what Cole said true?".

"What are you talking about?" Noah said re adjusting the rear view mirror to look at me.

"Well umm.. I mean he told Mia that the reason... mom and dad died was because I left my stuff animal in Italy...." I said

"He said that" Lucas sighed and than looked and Noah almost asking if he can continue after Noah nodded he said "Principessa mom and dad didn't pass away because of you and I don't know why he told you or Mia that because he knows the reason....he paused... Mom and dad passed away because there pilot was drunk, he apparently had a water bottle but put alcohol in it." 

"So wait wasn't my fault" I said almost sounding sad

"No Nat it was never your fault." Noah said and then continued "Natalia he said softly I need you to be honest for a second okay(okay I said) before Cole said anything did you think that mom and dad past away because of you?

I pause.... " ...yes I did"

With that Noah shock his head almost if he felt bad which I know he did.

"For how long" Lucas said looking back at me from the passenger seat 

I laughed a little quietly to myself not because it was funny but because the answer to the question was since they passed.

 " Since they... passed" I said quietly but loud enough from them to hear.

With that Noah pulled over. We were going to pick up Henry he goes to a animal school he wants to be a marine biologist. So he goes to a different school the rest of us go to a sports and art school! His schools ends earlier! Plus I am pretty sure Theo might just drive him and Cole home and Leo home.

As the car came to a stop Noah looked at me and said "Principessa why?", Why did you think that? 

"Idk I just.... I was the reason they went back..." I said pushing back tears 

"No you did what any kid would do if they didn't get what they wanted" Noah said looking back at me.

"Natalia, Lucas said softly and then continued " you know it's okay to cry right?

"Yea.. but I.. idk just don't ... don't want to"I said still on the verge of crying

"Why" Noah said sounding concerned 

"Because idk I just feel..weak" I said still as I was so close to crying 

"Principessa just cry, no one's gonna make fun of you and crying is a sign that you have been strong for too long"

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