Report card Pt.2

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Natalia pov:

"It's about your report card."Lucas says crossing his arms.

Uh oh.

"What about it?" I say looking down at the ground.

So I am failing 2 classes and I got some bad reports from them. On top of that I haven't really been doing my homework.

"Natalia look at me." Noah says sternly in a tone that tells me he is really upset 

As I slowly look up at him. He raising an eyebrow.

"So your telling us, you have no idea about what's in your report card?"Noah says sternly.

"Umm well I do but-." I start to say before Ryan cuts me off.

"But what?" He says in a serious tone.

I hate when my brothers are this upset at me. I don't like getting in trouble period. I just don't like when they use this tone.

"I....I know what's on the report card I just don't know why." I say as I start to lie.

"Why are you lying? We know you know.....are you joking Natalia?" Lucas says sternly 

"Does it look like I'm joking." I snap. Uh oh.

"Excuse me?" Lucas asked in a tone that he rarely use with me.

"What." I say disrespectful.

"Natalia Rosbel Marino, You have 1.5 seconds to get this attitude together do you hear me?" Noah says in a scary tone.

"Yes." I say as I roll my eyes. 

"Little girl watch those eyes." Ryan warned getting mad. Which made me realize I'm probably closer to a punishment then I think I am. When Ryan's mad that means Noah is probably fuming.

"Okay I'm sorry." I say as I bite my lip.

"Mhm, We just need an explanation on why you are failing math and tool class." Ryan says calming down a bit.

Tools class is kinda like an engineering class. You build stuff with metal and materials with a small group.

"Math is just hard, the tutor isn't really helping she just goes over the same thing again and again. Tools class the people in there bothering me, so then I just don't participate." I say trying to make eye contact with Ryan. Which is getting harder by the minute.

"Well why didn't you tell us the tutor wasn't helping Natalia?" Noah asked now in a concerned gentle tone.

"Idk, I didn't know how too. I thought you guys might not believe me." I say making eye contact with Noah.

"Why did you think that?" Lucas asked concerned 

"Idk, I just did." I say looking at my feet.

There was a bit of silence and then Ryan got a phone call and had to leave.

"Jellybean look at me(as I did he continued)If a tutor is not helpful for you or is not helping you then you need to tell us, yes we said a tutor would be beneficial but if she is not helping you, there is not point. We might as will learn it ourselves and help you. Don't be afraid to tell us anything, okay?" Lucas says in a gentle tone.

"Okay." I say as I bite my lip again.

"Natalia, We need for you to work harder in math. Okay? We know it's been a struggle since forever, but not telling us the tutor isn't helping you can't just be the answer okay? We need you at least the bring the C- to a B. Before the end of marking period 3. It's only the beginning of marking period 3. So you have until march 28? Okay?" Noah says concerned 

"Okay I will try." I say with a small smile.

"Good, Now as for tools class we aren't even going to talk about that, Just need you to participate, No walking out of class because someone is making you mad. If you are that mad, call us and we will pick you up." Lucas says raising an eyebrow in the beginning and then in a calm tone.

"Okay." I say looking at Lucas.

"Now, as for that attitude earlier I'm taking your phone for 2 weeks." Noah said sternly 

"What why?" I say as I whine a little.

"Little girl, Would you rather be punished ?" Noah says sternly 

I did kinda break 3 rules. 1. Rolling eyes. 2.Lying. 3.Being disrespectful.

"No..." I say quietly. Then I get up and give Noah my phone.

"Thank you"Noah says with a small nod.

"We love you okay? We just want the best for you."Lucas says 

"Yes I knowwww, I love you guys I too."I say with a small smile.

"We are going to the next report card conference though." Noah says smirking.

"Oh okay." I say.

Welp. I glad that in another month because I will be dead after that. Never told them exactly how many times I walked out of class.

I'm very curious about Matthews girlfriend. What does she look like? Am I going to like her? Well I have 1 more day to find out.

What's going to happen now?

Hey you guys sorry this is a short chapter, the next one will be long. Love ya, I will post on Monday ❤️.

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