The Fight + Aftermath Pt.2

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Natalia pov:

The car ride home was silent. Mostly because when Noah drives he usually has to focus. Yes we do get lecture here and there but when big things like this happens he can't talk and drive the same time.

 Soon we arrived home and all I mean all expect for Leo, Theo, Henry and Caleb and Adam where there. Since they all had school. Nico and Marcus got a day off. They go to the same college. While Adam and Caleb go to the same college.

"You two have a seat"Noah instructed as we are in the living room with all 6 of my brothers (not including Cole)

"Well both of you guys do have a lot of explaining to do, Cole you first" Lucas says in a serious tone.

"Okay, well Jake went up to Natalia and told her to keep away from his girlfriend and then called her a jerk and then she said she was talking to his girlfriend she was messaging and calling her and that's when he said well keep away from her you b word. That's when I got mad and I ask him to repeat it and when he did I punched him in his face." Cole says as if he is thinking about what happened

"Natalia you can go and then we will discuss it as a whole." Ryan says in a serious manner 

"Well I was at lunch minding my business when jake(I roll my eyes) came up to me and he said stay away from his girlfriend which is Katherine and then I was like I'm not talking to her she keeps calling and texting me. Then he was like well stay away from her you b word and then Cole snapped and asked him to repeat it and when he did this time he added another curse in there which that point Cole looked livid and like he said punched him in his face." I say 

"It sounds like both of your story's add up." Lucas says 

"Cole your not in a lot of trouble because you did stand up for you sister however, we don't start fights and you know that." Noah says gently

"Yes I know." Cole says in a somewhat defeated tone

"But I'm proud of you"Matthew says smirking 

"Huh?" Cole says as we look at each other and I giggle a little while he laughs.

"It's true, you stood up for your sister, but like Noah said we don't start fights." Lucas says smirking 

With that Cole smiled a little. 

"Natalia has Katherine actually been talking to you?"Marcus asked confused 

"Huh? Oh umm...yea." I say confused at first and then gently 

"What has she been texting you?"Nico asked concered

"Welll ummm...  lots. Like a messages she posted  says 

I can't believe I actually was best friends with a such and ugly girl. She is a liar and she is the most stupid person I have every met. She was so fake. She is  dated my boyfriend when I was dating him. She lied and said she was dating someone else. Even had to never to go on a date with him. She is a f word snake. I can't believe i called her bestie everyday. I hugged her. She thinks she is the most beautiful girl in the world. Yea right more like the ugliest on. I don't know why her brothers she keep lying to her. Like she is always staring at my boyfriend like girl he don't want you anymore. Like in the hallway she be staring. I say as finish her long text she posted.

"She posted that?" Matthew asked confused 

"Yea...." I say as I bite my bottom lip and play with my fingers I usually do when I feel insecure and start to overthink 

"Well we still need to talk to both of you separately though." Noah says looking at me with concern 

"Alright Cole come I need to talk to you." Lucas says as they go up the stairs 

"Natalia you can go in your room I will be up there in a bit." Noah say as he gives me a slight smile.

Cole pov:

As I follow Lucas into his room. He starts speaking 

"Cole you know the brother side of me wants to cheer you on but the guardian side of me knows that starting fights is not an answer." Lucas says as he ruffles my hair when he is talking to me.

"I know I just got so mad I lost control." I say bitting my lip 

"That's okay we all get mad sometimes but you have to find a way to control it. Your not in a lot of trouble because you did stand up for you sister so your only going to get 6 on your hands." Luc as says as he takes my hand and starts popping them

Smack! We Smack! Don't Smack! Start Smack! Fights Smack! Smack!

"Ow." It hurt but not enough to make me cry my hands are kinda sore now but, hey I didn't get punished.

"You know I love you right?" Lucas says as he kisses my forehead and ruffles my hair

"Yea, I love you too ." I say smiling 

I hope Natalia is okay. She looked like she wanted to cry.

What's going to happen now? What about the musical? Is she okay?

Sorry I posted 8 mins later than expected 😅💕. Love ya hope ya understand 🫶🏾

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