🌹💔His last breath💔🌹

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Narrators POV:

It was a normal Tuesday night and Sam was taking his normal route to Emma's house, as they normally hung out together. Sam and Emma had been dating for about 3 years, Emma wasn't the most flattering lady out there but to Sam she was the most beautiful one out there, Inside and out. That was until Emma's sister came back. No she wasn't prettier, well she was prettier but she helped Emma become as pretty as her when Sam was out with his friends.

"Oh Mackenzie! This is amazing! I've never looked better, Oh I bet Sam won't be able to tell who I am!" Emma squealed as Mackenzie brushed her sister's now purple hair.

"That's what we're hoping," Mackenzie muttered under her breath looking down at her sisters confused face she realized she said that out loud and continued louder as she could be heard "Well he's just not in it for you hun, I bet he doesn't talk to you unless he's horny. you could do so much better, he's clearly in it for sex and popularity." Emma seemed generally hurt by her sister's words and as they sunk in instead of sadness it formed into anger as Emma realized her sister was speaking the truth.

" You know, you're probably right. If he's going around saying he's dating the 'ugly girl' and is so sympathetic then I can snap back. I need to show him that I don't need him and I can pull anyone." Emma said calmly. She stood up and gazed in the mirror, she looked like a completely different person and she felt like one too.

"So how are you gonna do it?" Mackenzie asked.

"Do what?" Emma questioned back.

"Uh, break up with Sam, Duh."

"Oh, right I have to do that, don't I?'

"I mean you don't have to."

"You mean I cheat on him?"

"Yup, show him how he doesn't bother you and you just have too much of a big heart to break up with him."

"But isn't cheating showing I have a rotten soul?"

"Not when you're pretty, Which you are now." Now. That hurt Emma for some reason. She knew she wasn't considered pretty before but it still hurt to know her own sister didn't see her as pretty. She wanted to cry but she didn't. She didn't want to ruin her perfect makeup that made her look like a graceful swan instead of the reckless ogre she looked like without the makeup.

Emma spilled out her plan on how to get back at her awful lover. "You know, although it would be nice to cheat and see his priceless reaction I'd live with guilt, so I'll break up with him when he gets back." Mackenzie nodded in agreement as she stood up.

"It was nice helping you get out of the drain but I've got to go out with my friends, keep me updated on the breakup!"

"Bye sis!" Emma waved as Mackenzie walked out to her friends. Right so how do I do this Emma sighed. She stood up from the chair that now had purple dye stained all over it. She decided to break up with him in person so he could know what he had lost.

*-Text Messages-*

Emma- Hey, can we talk?

Sam- Sure babe, What's up?

Emma- Can you come over? It's better if you came in person.

Sam- I'm with friends rn hun, later?

Emma- I need to say it right now, I wanted to say it in person so you could see what you lost but we're over.

! Sam- WHAT?! Babe what did I do??

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Sam's POV:


I thought she was happy? And what did she mean by "see what you lost" bro was the ugliest person I've ever met and I dated her because she was kind and we were generally a good couple! We barely fought and when we did it was about her eating my chips or something stupid like that.

"You good Sam? I heard my friend Rhea ask.

"Oh um yeah, I need to go back home though... Nice hanging out with you though!" I smile weakly as I stand up and walk out. Wow, 3 years all gone to waste for what reason? I'll never know. If I can't make her happy then what's my purpose? I'll try to talk it out with ehr and find out what I did wrong and if I can fix it. I really do love her and I'll do anything.

*-Time Skip Brought To You By A Rat-*

Emma's POV:

Is Mackenzie already back? It's only been 7 hours, and if it is, why would she be knocking? I'll go open the door for her anyways, she probably forgot the key.

*-At The Door-*

"Emma! Please open the door! We need to talk!" I heard more knocking as I got closer to the door. Is that Sam?! What is he doing here?

"Sam get out of here before I call the cops!" I yelled through the front door. "I don't have any reason to talk to you-" I stopped mid sentence as he dropped to the floor. I saw a bit of blood on the window, and Immediately opened the door to see Sam limp on my porch with his throat cut open. I reached to grab my phone but who do I call first? My vision began to go hazy, it's not horrible if I close my eyes right now, right?



If you did decided to read this you're amazing, perfect, and the best thank you for reading this it makes my day to see views even if I know them in person, and anyways have an amazing day :)

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