Show Me Your Friend

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Ya Allah! Accept Our Prayers, Make What Is Coming Better Than What Is On Ground For Us, Open the Doors Of Success, Allow Us More Opportunity For Greater Things Ahead. forgive Us and Grant Us Paradise As Our Permanent Home In  Hereafter!
Barka Da Juma'ah


You may want to read the previous chapter to refresh. I know😁. I am sorry🙏🏻



Being forced to wake up in the early hours before dawn is a must in the Marna Villa because the ever-glorious mosque is attached to the house.

I always grumble and have a series of groans escape me when the loud thud of the microphone as the adhan is called cut right through my heavy slumber, but surprisingly, today, this particular voice doesn't jolt me awake, the melody seeped through my ears and winged its rhythm to resonate into different parts and all over my mind, it was reverberating.

My eyes slowly opened, and I sat up with my knees drawn to my chest and my arms draped on them. I remained in that position, just listening, until the adhan was completed. Minutes later, the iqamah was recited, and the subhi prayer was performed.

I whirled my head across my overly spacious bedroom which has all the glam suited for the owner to the direction of the bathroom. The instinct came naturally, (prayer) and then I shove it away because how long has it been? Yeah thought as much, I can't remember the last time I offered one and HE would not even accept it if I do now. So, I laid right back and drew the duvet over me, it is too late for some of us.

I should really remember to put my phone on silent or even leave it out of the room before sleeping, so it doesn't startle me awake. My eyes snapped open when it rang, but I refused to check it until the ringing stopped. Once it did, I retrieved it from the stand, and the caller ID read "Sushi." She called another time, and I rolled my eyes at her persistence before hitting the reject button.

Glancing at the clock, I saw that it was 11 in the morning. I shifted to lie flat on my back, staring up at the ceiling. I allowed my mind to go completely blank for a few minutes, taking in the stillness. I stayed like that for a while before taking a deep breath and letting it out—my moment of nothingness, my form of yoga, liberating in its way.

There is a WhatsApp notification from Sushi, a voice. She was following me up with whatever it was she wanted to say.

I listened to it and it was something about the previous day and how I did not disappoint in setting the place ablaze, and then the bill I needed to settle because I declared everything ordered from everyone present in the club was on me and ended with reminding me about the order I am supposed to place for the latest iPhones I promised to upgrade for them.

I transferred the funds that should more than cover it all and then I got off the bed and set to the bathroom to do some bathroom business and while remaining in my pajamas, I walked out of the room because my intestines are screaming in starvation. I haven't had food in a decade. At least going the whole day yesterday without it felt like that.

I sauntered about the hollow corners of Marna Villa. Hollow is probably not the word but that is how it feels. A house so undeniably big yet empty you could hear the sound of a fallen needle through and all over its opulence makes it feel like a hollow. Not that I am complaining, I grew up wandering the lonely walls of the house, alone, so it is my norm, maybe having been away for a long time threads me into experiencing all over its...well, hollowness.

I have known this house as home since I opened my eyes to it. the house which my father has done everything luxury possible to make it appear the castle it is, yet has refused to share its glory with a feminine company. He said the house belonged only with his one true companion, my mother, the woman who he'd lost while she was bringing me into the world. And since then, he'd never had a life partner, just wives. Wives whom he'd refused inside his heart or his villa which he believed belonged to the only woman who had died along with his capability to love another. I never understood this thing about love and couldn't make sense of any of that and I finally reached the conclusion that it is simply twisted.

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