Chapter 12

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The alarms...
A sound that only came once a year.
They weren't due for another few months..
You ran as fast as you could towards the city. That's when you saw it. A bright crack in the sky.
Due to the overpopulation in Hell, the sngems known as "Exterminators" Come to Hell once a year to kill demons. The whole reason for Charlie's hotel. Once the city came in view, you jumped and landed on a building. Exterminators started to fall from the crack. Their white bodie against the red sky. From this distance, they could be mistaken as snowflakes.
Their weapons glowed. Spears, swords, bows. How many souls have they killed?

The hotel quickly came into view. Screams and loud noises came from everywhere in the city. You busted down the door and was met with the quiet lobby. Still. Had they all left? Where could they have gone?
"Charlie?" You called. "Vaggie? Angel?!"
No response.
You quickly turned around and conjured a spear. The noise came from a dark corner. There were still boxes that had not yet been cleared out. You crept closer to them, prepared to scewer.
The noise came once more before a box fell out of the pile. You moved it with your spear, but there was nothing inside.
"*GASP*" Nifty popped out of the pile and started to catch her breath.
"Jesus shit!" You yelled. You picked up Nifty and hugged her tightly. "Thank satan youre ok!"
"Too... tight..." The little demon squeaked.
"Oh, right. Sorry." You put her down and looked around once more before asking, "Where is everyone?"
Nifty looked at you with sorrowful eyes.
You quickly ran back to the entrance. Explosions and screams echoed. You pulled out your tiny mirror and summoned your reflection.
"Go. Find them and get back to me quickly."
It nodded and disappeared into the shadows.
"Nifty, stay here until they come back."
"What are you going to do?" The little demon asked.
"Until the others are found? Defend the hotel. We just fixed the fucker up." With that you put a protective spell on the hotel. Hopefully, it will hold up until the day is over. Another explosion, the biggest and loudest. Shadowy tenticles purtruded from the skyline, waving franitcally and swatting away any of the flying angels.
You quickly jumped onto the roof of a nearby building. This helped you get a better view. The tenticles, outlined with a deep red hue, were coming from somewhere near the center of the city. You started running, your feet moving at speeds you didn't know you could run. You had this desperate earge to be near with, make sure he was ok. For what, though? That you weren't sure of. Angels, spotting you, quickly made you their target. One you threw your spear at, piercing its eye, and watched it fall to the ground. Not dead, but at least wounded. Another can from your right and pushed you over the side of a building. You grabbed onto the ledge just in time, avoiding the 50-foot drop.
You conjured another spear and threw it at the angel, piercing its wings. You climbed back onto the roof and started getting back on track.


The sight was brutal. Blood and parts of demons bodies were everywhere. Angels were patrolling, looking for anything that moved, anything they could kill. You covered yourself with the shadow. You couldn't see any signs of your friends. Maybe Alastor had gotten them out. Just then, one of your shadows materialized.
"They are back at the hotel. They just appeared in the lobby. They're very injured."
"Shit," you said. "Alright, I'll heas back and asses the damage. Is everyone there, at least?"
"Everyone but the demon princess," it responded.
"What?" It was a question for yourself. No doubt she would try to protect the other demons in Hell, but no way could she be that stupid to do it alone. You started running back to the hotel, all this back and forth was draining you. You needed food; energy. It didn't take you as long to get back. There were fewer angels in the area now.

Once you got to the Hotel, you rushed inside. Vaggies, Angel, and Husk were all slouched on the sofa of the lobby, battered and bloody.
"Where's Alastor?" You asked.
"His room, I think. Somewhere in that direction," Angel replied.
You went to Alastors and knocked on his door. There was a small crash before he called out, "Just a moment!"
After a minute, he stepped out of his room and quickly closed the door behind him.
"Y/N, my dear! W-what are you doing here?" He asked. His smile was still as large as ever, but his eyes were sad and nervous. You shot him a questioning look before answering.
"Oh, you know, just trying to keep a little order. What happened out there? Where's Charlie?"
It took minutes for Alastor's response. He stood there, unsure of how to tell you..
"She.. she's trying to bargain."


HELLOOO, Long time no see. Sorry about that. School has been kicking my ass. But, i wanted to get something in by the time of this books 1 year anniversary! I was hoping to be done with it when i originally started writing it but, lifes a bitch. This chapter is probably really crappy but i just wanted to get at least something out. Hopefully, I'll be back to writing and publishing more frequently with the new year. We can only hope.

Love youuuuu,


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