Chapter 17

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Hey guys. Meant to say this in the last chapter, and I dont wanna edit it, butttttt im making a new story! It's an OC x character. I based the OC on Bendy and the Ink Machine, and the book itself is for My Hero Academia. If it sounds like something you'd enjoy, then please give it a read. I'll let yall know when the first chapter comes out... so yeah... ENJOY


It's been a week since you last saw Alastor. When he gave you your necklace and had new memories of your human life revealed. He was barely at the hotel, and when he was, he'd just be around Charlie. He knew. He had to have known.

You were heading down to the lobby and saw everyone setting up for some sort of party. You went over, greeting Charlie and Vaggie.
"Well, aren't we getting festive?" You let out a small giggle. "What did I miss?"
Charlies smiles, but you can see a flash a dreas in her eyes.
"My.. dad is coming to the hotel!"
Your eyes widen in surprise.
"Oh. My. Stars! Lucifer is coming? I haven't seen him in agesss!" You recall the last ball he had, around 20 years ago, for the higher ups of hell.
"Yes, well, he says he'll be here in-" there's a knock on the door, interrupting Charlie. She quickly opens the door, and you're all greeted to the very loud, very short, King of Hell!
"CHAAARLIE!" Lucifer tighly hugs his daughter.
You feel a presence appear next to you, turning your head to see Alastor looking at the father-daughter duo. His smile is a mix of annoyance and rage. You nudge his lightly with your elbow, causing him to snap his gaze to you, softening a bit.
"When this little presentation is over, I'd like a word with you." You say sharply. He only gives you a slight nod in response before you walk to Lucifer, who scans the hotel.
"Wow, this place sure looks, uh..."
"Marvelous! Wouldn't you say?" You bend slightly before the King as a greeting.
"Holy hell! Y/N! Since when did you get here?" Lucifer returns the gesture, but you wave him off.
"It's been a few eventful months. That is for sure." You smile.
"Well, yes, as I was saying, this place definitely has a lot of character, and WHAT IS THAT?!" Lucifer points to the concierge desk. Green, rotten wood, and skulls of hell beasts decorate Huskers' abode. Alastor manifests to a new spot in the lobby, closer to Lucifer, "Just some of the renovations we've made. Adds a bit of color, don't you think?" You nearly scoff at his remarks. Strawberry pimp.
"And you are?" Lucifer points his apple tipped cain at Alastor.
"Alastor. Pleasure to be meeting you, sir. Quite a pleasure!" Alastor shakes Lucifers hand aggressively. "It's nice to finally put a face to the name. Though, you are much shorter than to be expected."
This time, Angel nearly does a spit-take.
"I am the host of this hotel!" Alastor goes on, "You might have heard of me through my radio broadcast."
"Hm.. Nope! I guess that's why Charlie calls it the 'Hazbin Hotel'!" Lucifer gives Charlie a little nudge.
"Haha. It was actually my idea." Alastor retorts.
"Ha ha ha. Well, it's not very clever!"
"HA HA. Fuck you."
With that, you take it upon yourself to steer this conversation in another direction, for the sake of everyone present.
"Well, gentlemen, I believe we have a hotel to tour! Luci, what do you say?" You let a twinkle shine in your eyes.
"Of course," he says, a little strained. Charlie takes her fathers hand and shows him more of the parlor. Giving credit where credit is due to you and Alastor. You get a joyous smile for Luci, while Alastor gets nothing more than a glance.
Alastor strides closer to the Princess, "Charlie has a very unique vision. I am happy to fulfill all her bizarre requests."
"Oh, thank you, Alastor." Charlie puts her hand over Alastor, who placed his on her shoulder. "Quite an impressive young lady. We're all very proud of her." You hear the tone in Alastors voice. The mockery covered by the tone any proud father would give to a child of great accomplishment.
"Charlie, why dont you introduce me to your other friends?" Lucifer walks over to the hotel staff sitting at the table. Charlie joins him, and you go to Alastor.
"Stop it."
"Stop what?" Amusment. Pure amusment.
"Stop trying to piss him off. As hard as it might be, for a sadist like you, let's try not bringing destruction to this hotel by the wrath of 3 powerful demons."
"Three?" Alastor questions.
"Yes. You and Lucifer fighting each other, and then me having to stop you bafoons." Alastor glares at you before looking back to the table.
"You seem to get along with him well. History?"
Your eyes widen at the question, "Of course not! I've met him countless times when he threw parties. Parties you never bothered to go to. It's how I also met Charlie." You cross your arms, "She needs him. She needs this meeting with heaven. You know that."
"And surely you know the possibility of that meeting going well." He turns, giving you his full attention.
"Of course I do, but I gave my word to help Charlie. I'll stick to it no matter what I believe. I didn't just come here for entertainment like you." Your eyes soften while looking at the princess.
"You may very well be on your way to redemption," Alastor scoffs, "Ms. Candy Lady."
"Dont even," you growl. Suddenly, there's a loud crack, and the chandelier comes crashing down, spreading dust and shards of glass.
A low chuckle arises from Lucifer

Again, I aint writing that out. It already takes me too long to write.

"Didnt ya hear? Why is everyone gawkin? Is it cause im adorable?"
Mimzy.. bratty, selfish. You've met her a few times whenever you went to her bar. She's small, in a 1920s flapper style attirve.
"Mimzy!" Alastor greets her with a hug and welcomes her warmly to the hotel.
"Listen, I was in the neighborhood and heard you were speadin ya time in this ritzy slob factory, so I decided to drop on by. For old times' sake." You hear Husk groan at her. Her black eyes scan over the hotel and then land on you, taking you in before widening, and a wicked smile takes form on her face.
"Y/N! You're here too?" She comes over with open arms. Before she's able, you move away and avoid her attempt at a friendly arm.
"Yes, yes. Alastor dragged me here." A point glare to the deer, "Bit of a new investment."
"You.. and Alastor? Last I heard, you've been avoiding her like the plague, dollface."
Alastor walks over, putting a hand on your shoulder, "We just so happened to make great business partners."
"Oh, how nice," says Charlie, "So you three know each other?"
"Me and Alastor go way back. He's the only one who could pound whiskey like a sailor and keep up with me on the dance floor." Mimzy does her little dance.
"Quite a talent, this gal. You should have seen her in her heyday." Alastor doesn't part from you as explains he relationship with Mimzy.
"Hey! Watch it tall, dark, and creepy. Im still in my prime." Mimzy shouts. You roll your eyes.
"Well, we really should get this tour started," you look towards Charlie and Lucifer before turning back to Mimzy, "would you care to join us, Mimzy?"
"Eh..." was all she said in return.
"Welp! Charlie, Y/N, I'm very excited to see the rest of the hotel!" Lucifer butts in, herding you two. Alastor pops up beside you, earning a glare from Lucifer.
"We'll be back soon!" Al shouts to everyone.


The tour is.. strained. To say the least. Husker came during Charlies spiel, taking Alastor with him. You also parted ways, saying farewell to the group, before heading to your room.
It's darker in your room, but a snap of your fingers lights a few candles on your desk. It's littered with papers from spellbooks, and ancient ruins are carved into the wood. They tell the story of your failure to regain your memories. But then there's a necklace. Sitting in its box, untouched, unworn. You recently got a new book, much older. Rumored to be written by Lilith herself. It cost a fortune.... for most people.
You stood on your bed and carved eldritch ruins in a circle just above the headboard, the spells translation on the headboard. One by one, they began to glow bright red. You took this as your cue to lay down on the bed. The drowsiness took over your body, making you go limp. Your eyes shut, hopeful that this will finally be the spell to go right.
What the fuck?
The hotel shook. You quickly got out of your bed and teleported down to the lobby. Everyone was looking towards a cowering Mimzy.
"What. The FUCK. IS GOING ON?" You scream.
"Mimzy started shit with fucking loan sharks!" Husker yells back.
You groan. Fireballs start to rain down onto the hotel, wrecking it. Again.
"I swear, this hotel is going to be rubble before we even get 10 guests," you munble to yourself. You summon your powers, eyes turning bright teal.
A large gust of wind opens the doors to the hotel.
"Allow me to accompany you, my dear." The hotel is shaded in green as Alastor grows his tentacles and shoots them out the windows of the hotel. You run out into the carnage and chaos. The loan sharks are shredded and torn in half. The sky above the hotel turns into a dark storm cloud, raining candy. Any impact with them turns into a bloody mess. The screams fill you with delight. The joy is short-lived before all the bodies are limp and lifeless.
"Oh, I missed letting off a little steam." Alastors back to normal now. You aswell.
"Alastor! Y/N! What a fantasic show," her voice makes you slowly turn. Mimzy walks over, acting as if you spotted her at dinner, not like you just saved her ass or anything. A board falls, nearly crushing her. Nearly..
"Oop. Sorry about the mess, but I'm sure the little bug will take care of it for you." She giggles.
"Mimzy, I believe it's time for you to leave. Now." Alastors words make you huff the biggest sigh of relief. He makes her leave, too nicely for your taste, but it will have to do.
"Today... please let it be over." You say, watching Mimzy storm off.
"Well, dear, let's call it in, shall we?" Alastor holds out his arm for you to take.
"Such a gentleman," you say, taking it and walking inside with him. In the hotel, or what's left of it, you see Charlie and her father in a loving embrace. Penni looks like he's about the combust into a fit of tears.
"What did we miss?" You ask to anyone who could answer. Vaggie comes over, still watching her girlfriend, "We got the deal with heaven."
You look back to Lucifer, he waves to you and everyone else before turning into a violet red mist and disappearing.


Im. Done. Im. Tired. I was almost late. But we will prevail. Ill make another shorter chapter in a few days.
You guys... you guys are something else.
Kiss kiss.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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