Chapter 3|Second Guessing

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The exam had ended, and the last thing I remembered before passing out was the giant beam of lightning shot at the zero-pointer. I just wished I was able to stand and fight a little longer, because of me that guy probably won't get enough points to get into UA. Dammit.

It took the staff a while to give me the medical attention I needed, as little as it was. Because of how high up I was they didn't get to me immediately, and they were prioritising the guy I had injured.

Although I didn't really need too much medical attention anyway. I was mostly just tired from overdoing it during the exam. They put me in a bed in the nurse's office for a bit, then discharged me when I woke up and had the stamina to walk.

But I knew I had to do something about the guy I had hurt. I made my way to the teacher's office and approached the guy who was overseeing the test.

"Hey, uh, do you have a sec?" I asked sheepishly.

"Sure I do man, what's up?"

"I was just wondering if there was anything I could do to help that guy I injured. I don't know how many points he had, and I don't want him to not get into UA because of my dumb decision."

"Listen, kid, I don't know if there is anything-"

Hearing the uncertainty in his voice I interrupted him saying.

"Please anything! Even if it's just a good word or something. He stood and kept on fighting like a real hero while I was the one who broke his arm and probably got him to fail the exam! I don't want to be the reason someone's dream has been crushed!" I said frustratedly, gritting my teeth to push back the tears.

The teacher put his hand on my shoulder comfortingly. I looked up at him to see a warm and supportive smile.

"Listen, I don't think you need to worry. Accidents happen, it wasn't your fault. But if it makes you feel better I'll let the faculty know what you've said. Now get yourself home safely, I'm sure your dinner is waiting for you."

I nodded and begrudgingly left. It was nice what the guy said, but it didn't make me feel that much better. And he probably said he'd tell the faculty to shut me up.

These negative thoughts were spinning around in my head as I caught the train to head back home. My head hung low staring at the ground intensely.

"I hope he gets into UA. I would hate it if I got in and he didn't. That's even if I get in," I mumbled to myself bitterly.

I stopped dead in my tracks and my eyes widened as I thought about what I just said.

"Wait a minute, I only got about 23 points," I thought to myself.

Realising that I might have just ruined that other guy and my own chance to get into UA the sadness and despair started to flee, and were beginning to be replaced with anger and rage.

My face grew a dark red and I clenched my fists so tight I could feel my fingernails starting to pierce my skin. I thrust a fist into the nearby brick wall I was walking next to. I couldn't even feel the pain in my hand from the impact

Tears started to flow down my face as the anger and sadness started to mix in my mind. Conflicted feelings of frustration and doubt.

"Maybe they're all right, maybe I can't be a hero," I muttered.

The rest of the walk home was foggy. With my mixed emotions, it was hard to stay focused. I wouldn't be surprised if I almost got hit by a couple of cars while crossing the streets.

Eventually, I reached a modern-looking apartment that had twenty-something floors. Going up to the building the doorman opened the door for me. He said something to me but I didn't pay any mind to it.

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