Chapter 4|First Day at UA

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Once again I found myself walking through the gate of UA High School, now as a student of this great establishment. Slowly making my way through into the school and through the halls to my classroom.

I stood in front of a tall brown door with large red writing saying class 1-A. "I guess this is it," I mumbled to myself.

Sliding the door open and stepping into the room I saw a variety of students in the classroom waiting for the lesson to start. It was still quite early until class would start but getting here early wasn't a bad thing, which I think some people would agree with considering how many people there were.

Taking a quick scan of the room I saw clusters of people along with others sitting alone. There was a boy with red and white hair sitting alone at his desk along with a girl with a big black ponytail sitting at her desk writing something in her notebook.

There was a guy with glasses running around introducing himself to everyone while frantically chopping the air with his hands. Sitting near the front of the class was a fancy-looking boy with blonde hair staring into space.

Finally, there was a group of people all talking to each other. Them being a girl with earphone jacks dangling off her ears, a guy with large bulking elbows, a guy with a tail and finally a guy with six arms.

Not regarding everyone I walked to the back of the room and took my seat that had been assigned to me. Zipping open my bag I took out various notebooks and pencils so I was ready for the lesson ahead. I also started doodling in my sketchbook to pass the time.

"Hello there fellow student, it's a pleasure to meet you," a voice spoke as I was just starting to get into the zone of sketching. Gazing up I saw the boy with glasses standing beside my desk with his hand extended for a handshake.

"My name is Tenya Iida. What may yours be?"

"Oh, I'm Shohari Hengaku. It's nice to meet you," I said as I shook his hand, my face beginning to curl into a forced smile.

"It's nice to meet you as well," he said, releasing my hand and forming a proud and confident stance.

"Isn't it just amazing to be in these halls? Where some of the best heroes learnt and practised their skills?" Iida said while looking around the room.

"Uh, yeah. I guess it is pretty cool," I said while going back to my drawing.

Noticing my disinterest, Iida turned and looked at my drawing. It was a rough drawing of a fight I saw on the news this morning. The posings were pretty good but the villain's proportions were a bit off.

"Woah, that looks really cool," said Iida.

"Huh, thanks," I said followed by an awkward chuckle.

The door slid open as a boy with spiky red hair and a girl with pink skin walked into the room together.

"I better go introduce myself. See you around Hengaku," Iida said while walking off. I gave a subtle but polite nod in response.

The time slowly passed by as more and more students entered the classroom. I sat there quietly, continuing to doodle away in my sketchbook.

The muttering and soft conversations of my fellow classmates started to increase as more and more students slowly funelled in. I kept to myself still drawing in my sketchbook, trying to practise stuff I needed to improve on.

While sketching away I heard Iida start yelling at someone, briefly looking up to see the kid with spiky blonde hair from the entrance exam.

"He definitely has anger issues," I thought to myself.

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