Chapter 6|Wise Words

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The school day had just ended, and I found myself walking to the nurse's office after changing into my school clothes. My wrist hadn't gotten any better with time. The bruising gradually got worse, along with some slight swelling. "I hope this nurse is good at healing injuries," I thought to myself idly while heading towards their office.

As I reached the door, I heard an ear-piercing screeching coming from inside. I could only assume someone with a serious injury was being treated behind this door.

I gently cracked the door open with my left hand, trying to avoid using my injured one. Walking into the room I could see Midoriya sitting with a short elderly woman with a pink visor-like mask. The nurse was explaining something about her quirk, while also handing Midoriya a sweet treat. I was confused by the lack of a broken limb or blood sprawled across the ground. Until I realised that it was likely Midoriya over-reacting.

"Ah, you must be my next patient. It's rare to see two students come into my office on the first day." Looking around the room I could see general doctors equipment, along with a handful of beds in the room. It's quite a large room considering it's a school nurse's office. But this is UA after all, so it shouldn't be too surprising.

"Give me a minute to bandage this boy's finger. Then I'll be with you dear."

Sitting down on the nearby bed, I clutched my wrist and gently rubbed it with my other hand. It didn't relieve much of the pain, but it was better than nothing. I continued to scan the room around me and noticed some draws labelled with Recovery Girl. It made sense the nurse was also a hero like the rest of the staff. But for some reason, I hadn't thought about it until now.

"There we go, all done. You can head back to class while I heal your classmate." Recovery girl swivelled around in her chair and pushed herself towards me sitting on the bed.

Midoriya was about to open the door and leave the nurse's office. But I couldn't get that conversation between Iida and Bakugo out of my head. The one where Bakugo didn't seem to know Midoriya had a quirk. It was strange to me, and I couldn't help but investigate.

"Actually, I was thinking Midoriya could stay, and we could get to know each other. It would only make sense since we are now classmates, but only if you're ok with it."

"Oh no no, I wouldn't want to get in Recovery Girls' way," he replied awkwardly, followed by an uneasy chuckle.

"Oh don't be ridiculous," said Recovery Girl. "I don't mind at all! I'd be more than happy to help build young friendships."

"Oh, well. If you insist," he said awkwardly. Mirodiya then sat back down as Recovery Girl examined my wrist. "Hmm, you seem to have a lot of bruising, I don't think it's too serious. Did you get this from using your quirk?"

"Yeah I did, I'm not used to full forced launches. I think that's the first time I've actually used it, so my body wasn't ready. I should stop being so reckless." The room grew silent from my words. My tone can often be gruff, whether it's intentional or not.

"But hey, at least I didn't break my finger!" I say, trying to lighten the mood. Everyone chuckled at my joke, but I can tell how awkward everyone still feels.

"So Midoriya, how did you find your first day at UA?" I ask.

"Oh, well it was alright, very stressful to be honest. I started to panic when I was the lowest on the leaderboard. And Kacchan trying to blow me up wasn't that great either," he said while awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. "What about you? How was your first day-" he stopped himself briefly. "Wait, I don't actually know your name."

"Oh right, I forgot I picked up yours from Mr Aizawa. My name is Shohari Hengaku."

"It's nice to meet you Hengaku," he says before we both bow to each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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