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He drives to the hospital, with a heavy heart. Never ever in his life he thought of this day coming into his life. He didn't even know if the accident was serious. All he hoped for you to be safe and sound.

Reaching the hospital, he found you lying lifeless on the stretcher, all covered in blood. His heart thumped heavily, his body going almost numb at the sight. Fear of losing you rushed in his body.

You were taken to the O.T room. The red bulb above the room outside gleaned, he could only stare at the piece with hope in his heart. The police informed him that due to the slippery road by the rain had gotten you into this accident.

He blamed himself for your cause. If only his phone wasn't switched off, you would be with him, clearing out the misunderstanding between you both. If only his father hasn't arrived before, he would be home with you, cherishing the happiness of you both going to become parents.

Yes, he gave it a thought. He knew that he had to fight with himself. Because the trauma is something which will never leave him at peace. It will always scare him anytime, anywhere.
And by having a child, he will fight with that trauma. He will never let his father win his mind, and rule on him once again.

His father has been provoking him, telling that he is going to be the same just like him. He is no less than him. He is going to make his child's life miserable like he himself did to him.

Taehyung was being manipulated by his own father. And he was well aware of that. He even tried not to get engaged with his father anymore, but his father would always get him in every way possible.

His hand automatically reached his hair, which he groped in frustration. He was feeling so guilty knowing he was the cause of all this. But what's the reason for regretting now when everything has gone beyond his hands?

Can he go back in the past, and fight with his father? With his trauma? And tell you the truth? No, he can't!

It's been hours since the red light outside the O.T room was turned on, and it's still on. The rushing of doctors and nurses was going on. He could see that the case seemed critical to them. But all he asked for was his wife and the unborn child to be safe. Was it too much to ask for?

After six hours of surgery the doctor came outside as the light turned off. He abruptly walked to the doctor, just to hear that they are safe.

"Mr. Kim, the patient is out of danger." He sighed before continuing. "Let's talk in my cabin." He said, guiding him to the private room of the doctor.

"As I said the case is out of danger, but I'm not sure if the patient is going to wake up or not. The head injury was too severe, and also she has lost a lot of blood. There aren't any injuries on her body, thanks to the seat belt. And as the car was tripped to its right side, her head was hitted on the window, which caused one of the nerves in her brain to be damaged."

"It can also lead to coma. Please prepare yourself mentally for the upcoming situation. We are trying our best." He completed it.

Tears welled in his eyes hearing the doctor about his wife's situation. Who would he blame for this? But he has to be strong, for his wife, for his unborn child. Unborn child?

"Doctor, my- ba-by?" He asked, feeling himself trembling.

"Yes, your wife is pregnant, right. The fetus was just three weeks old. We are quite in shock that it's still there and safe. Your child is a fighter. "

After 8 months

He walked to the lying figure on the bed, attached with several wires on her body. The baby bump has grown big. He caresses your head and pecks your forehead, as a tear slipped from his eyes.

"I'm sorry, love. I was late because of the meeting. How are you? And how's my little bear doing? Does he still disturb you alot? "

"Hey, you little bean. I'm telling you, if you do that to your mom once again, I'm gonna whoop your butt once you come in my arms. Don't give your mum a hard time, my bear."

He mumbled, and fell down on his knees, clutching onto your hand. His tears didn't stop for a moment.

You had fallen into a coma after the two days of the surgery. He was destroyed inside out of guilt in his mind and heart.

Your condition and the baby's was quite stable. But the doctor already told him that the pregnancy was safe. According to them it would only take some days, or months, or a year or it might take a lifetime when you would wake up.

But he kept his hope in you, you were a fighter. You would wake up one day. But the question was when?

He never wanted to become one like his own parents. But what was he doing? He was becoming like their shadow. He rejected the unborn child just on the day he found your pregnancy.

Didn't he want to overcome his trauma? How? The regret in him kept on increasing day by day. You were lying on the bed lifeless alive, and he was no less. He was just living his life, with a hope you would wake up anytime soon.

It has become his routine. He would force himself to go to the office for a few hours and come back to you. He would spend his days besides you, crying and begging you sorry. The guilt in him was eating him up.

He would talk with you daily as you could hear everything around you. He would discuss everything with you. How he renovated one of the rooms for the baby. How happy he was having you both in his life. Sometimes he would feel movements from you too, but his hope would die when you won't open your eyes.

But he was strong, he was not going to give up on you. He even thought of a name for the baby after he found it was a boy. He would always tell you how sorry he was for all these. He would tell you he regret every action of his.

He was also turning pale. He was not taking any proper care of himself. He barely remembered when was the last time he had a proper breakfast, lunch or dinner. He was just forcing himself to be alive, for the sake of you and your son.

He walked outside the room, as he couldn't stand there anymore. Walking for some minutes, when he came back, he found that doctors were taking you to the O.T room once again.

"What is happening here? " He asked one of the nurses who seemed to be in a hurry.

"The patient is going through labor." She replied, and once again emerged herself in her work.

"Mr. Kim." The doctor called for him as he walked to him. "Please sign here." He passed him a form like paper to sign on. "But? " As he reads the papers his eyes widen.

The paper stated that there was a low chance of saving you both. And they will do a C-section for the delivery of the child as you weren't in terms of doing that physically.

"I'm sorry but I can't sign this." He spoke, giving the papers back to the doctor. No he can't. He can't give up on any one of you.

"Mr. Kim, please sign them. If you take more time, it'll just make the patient's condition worse."

Nonetheless, he had to sign those papers, which clearly risked your lives.

Was he too late to realize his mistake? If anything goes wrong, he would never be able to forgive himself for this.

To be continued.

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