A humiliating pull-up

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You wake up to mum tapping your arm saying "Kevin KEVIN KEVIN!" "Ah, your awake, come on we need to get of the plane".

You sit up and slowly start remembering the entire plane journey, including your pull-up.

You stand up, feeling major diaper sag,
You pull your trousers up to hide the pull-up waistband, you then follow mum and Nia of the plane, once you're off the plane mum walks ahead, leaving you and Nia walking together, Nia goes up to you and says, "judging by that smell and that diaper bulge in your trousers it seems that you made good use of your pull-up, glad I gave you the thick night ones haha".

You consider lying but you know it's no use, it's obvious you used your pull-up.

You two follow your mum two a single-room diaper change/toilet.

And your mum says, "right you two, no-nonsense just show me your pull-ups".

Nia lifts her skirt revealing her slightly damp pull-up night-time pull-up

"And you Kevin?"

"Do I have to?"



You reluctantly pull down your trousers, revealing your messy and wet princess night-time pull-up.

Both Nia and mum giggle at the boy and his well used pull-up.

Breaking the silence mum says, "glad we used the thick night-time pull-up rather than a day pull-up because a day pull-up would have not held that".

"Yes, it would have leaked everywhere, haha, what a baby", Nia chimes in.

"Nia, you change yourself, I will change your brother", mum ads

"Got it", Nia says, picking out a thiner, more discreet daytime pull-up, before taking here old one off, putting it in the bin and putting it on.

Mum tears the full pull-up off of you, and throws it in the bin she then wipes down your privates, she then takes out a another thick night time princess diaper, (just like what he was wearing before)from his carry-on bag

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Mum tears the full pull-up off of you, and throws it in the bin she then wipes down your privates, she then takes out a another thick night time princess diaper, (just like what he was wearing before)from his carry-on bag

Mum tears the full pull-up off of you, and throws it in the bin she then wipes down your privates, she then takes out a another thick night time princess diaper, (just like what he was wearing before)from his carry-on bag

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She then puts your trousers back on and you jump onto the floor.

"Based on how these performed before this, I think this should be able to hold more of your babish mess', mum says, patting your pull-up while they leave the bathroom.

"Based on how these performed before this, I think this should be able to hold more of your babish mess', mum says, patting your pull-up while they leave the bathroom

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