A diaper change and a meal at the park cafe with Don

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"There you two are!" Mum says, greeting you as you and Don arrive.

"So before we go to eat we need to go do something, it'll be quick and then we can go eat" Your Mum communicates to Don's Mum.

"Oh ok, me and Don will wait at the cafe for you" Don's Mum replies.

They head towards the cafe whereas you and Nia follow Mum to the nearest bathroom with a diaper changing room, which luckily is fairly close by.

You follow Mum into the changing room alongside Nia. Once you and Nia are inside she shuts and locks the door. She then asks "Ok, first, Nia you show me your Pull-Up"

Nia says "It's dry" before she lifts up her skirt and proves it.

You didn't even know Nia was wearing a Pull-Up. But it's dry which you know is only going to be extra humiliiation when you show your diaper.

"Now you Kevin"

You sigh before you finally pull down your trousers revealing your well-used diaper.

Nia giggles as expected, but Mum quickly tells her to stop as she gets out an fresh diaper from her bag.

You fully remove your trousers before you lie down. She removes the diaper and wipes down your crotch and butt. She has done this multiple times within the last few days which only makes it feel more babyish. She then places the fresh diaper under you and quickly does it up, she then inspects her work before saying "All done!"

You then get back up and you put your trousers back on, before you then follow Mum out of the building and towards the cafe alongside Nia.

Don and his Mum are waiting outside the cafe, before waving at you when they see you. You and Don exchange hellos when you get there, before you all enter the cafe and sit down together.

"We already chose what we want while we were waiting, so we will wait for you to decide for us to order" Don's mum says.

You, Mum and Nia all look at the menu, you scan through it and you quickly decide on a bacon and egg bap, so you say "Ok, I've chosen" Nia also quickly after says "Me too!". Mum however, sits looking at the menu for a bit, until she breaks the silence by saying "Everything looks so expensive here"

"Well, yeah, I guess that's kinda what you get when you eat at a theme park food place" Don's mum responds casually.

Hhhmmph, Mum mumbles while looking at the menu.

After a bit more looking, she eventually says "Actually I'm not that hungry, I'll just order for these two"

Don's Mum and Don then get up and head to the counter to order says while Mum asks you and Nia "So what do you two want?"

"I want an bacon and egg bap" You answer.

"I want a cheese toastie" Nia answers.

Mum then waits until Don and his Mum come back from the counter to go over herself to order for you and Nia. She orders and then quickly returns to her seat.

You quickly get into a conversation with Don while you wait to you food, which takes a few minutes until it's ready.

A lady from the cafe then brings you you, Don and Nia's orders which you quickly tuck into.

You all enjoy the food quite a bit and after about 10 minutes you're all finished and ready to go explore more of the park. But before you go Don goes over to the toilet and so Mum asks "Do either of you two need the toilet before we go?"

You know that this question is more aimed at Nia since you've been told to just do it in your diaper, so you just answer "No" even though you do feel a bit of need to go.

"Mum I do a little bit but it's only a little and I can hold it" Nia replies

"Go now before we head back into the park instead of waiting" Mum says

Nia then goes to the toilet while you wait for her and Don.

Once they both finish, you all head back into the park and you start looking around for the next thing you want to go on.

Thank you guys for you continued support, over 160k total views is insane,  it's been a fair bit since my last chapter (last one was 18th of march, today is 8th of april) but that's mostly because it's been my birthday in that time so i have been fairly busy

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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