At the park with Don Pt2

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You and Don walk down the exit stairs of the ride, with Nia close behind. You soon reach the end of the stairs and you walk back onto the main pathway. You walk back onto the path for a bit until you see yours and Don's mums sitting down on a bench nearby.

Upon seeing you they get up and walk over to you, and once they do your Mum says "So, were are we going next?"

"It seems like most of the interesting things are that way up north" Don responds, pointing in the general direction of part of the park generally orientated towards tweens and young teens.

"Mum I don't think I will be able to go on any of the rides there, can we go that way instead" Nia says, pointing east towards a part of the park generally orientated towards younger kids.

"Would you two be fine going over there just for a bit before we go over to there because I don't think it's fair that Nia won't be able to go on many of the rides there" Mum asks you and Don

"Hell No" Don responds.

"Yeah no thanks Mum" You respond.

"Okay fine, what if we go with Nia over to that part of the park and you two go over there together?"

"Sounds great!" You respond

"Yeah" Don says.

"Ok then, be careful, and be back here by 1 or 1:30 at the latest"

"Don't worry we will"

So you and Don go your separate from ways Nia and Mum, you heading north, Nia heading east.

You walk towards another one of the many rides in the park, this one is about 2x the size of the last one and much faster. It luckily also has a very large capacity meaning the queue it actually pretty small.

You wait the queue and you join the ride, the bars come down and it gets going. Unlike the last one which took a while to gain speed, this one speeds off quickly and sends you through much more aggressive turns and hills.

You did quite enjoy it, although you would be lying if you said you weren't a bit scared also.

The ride then comes to an end and the bars come up. Don jumps up and quickly walks to the exit gate, whereas you take a slower less aggressive approach but you still go as fast as you reasonably can while doing your best to hide the wet diaper between your legs.

Next you head towards a large launched drop tower, you are a bit scared about this one given just how high it goes but you continue anyway. This one is a fairly long ride so the queue is pretty large but not unreasonably long.

After a bit of waiting you are able to get on the ride, you and Don sit next to each other, facing south towards the rest of the park, the bars holding you in come down as the ride gets ready to move.

The ride gets going, the speed it moves up and down at is terrifying, although also very fun at the same time. Your least favourite parts are when the ride goes down and quickly up again because it causes you to bounce around in the little bit of wiggle room you have, which causes your body to squish up against the diaper which is not a very nice feeling. Despite this you still very much enjoy the ride.

Once you reach the top you can see the entirety of the park, everything, you can even see what looks to be Nia, Your mum and Don's mum but it's impossible to know for sure that it's them

The bars then go back up allowing you to get up. You and Don leave the ride through the exit, before heading back onto the path.

The next ride is a gigantic stand-up coaster, it's the largest ride in the park and is one of the main marketing points for the park. It's got a pretty high capacity but due to how well known it is the queue is very long. Despite this you and Don really want to go on it so you choose to wait out the lines.

From big brother to little sister (new parts out now!)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن