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After breakfast, Song Ling's cell phone rang as soon as 8 o'clock passed.

Luo Jiajia is also from Huicheng. She just graduated from the University of Finance and Economics in the provincial capital this year, and her grades in school are very good.

She originally wanted to continue her graduate studies, but in the past two years, the environment has been sluggish and her parents have lost their jobs.

Her sister is still in college, and her parents have to support the elderly on both sides of the family, so the pressure of life has increased.

Looking at her parents' worried faces, the understanding Luo Jiajia chose to give up graduate school and began to look for a job on the Internet.

If she can find a job, she can help her parents solve their problems.

Last night, she had seen the job advertisement posted by Song Ling, and as soon as she saw that the address was near her home, Luo Jiajia was so happy that she couldn't wait to call Song Ling and make an appointment with her for an interview.

But when she saw the special note after Song Ling's cell phone number, she silently put the phone down again.

She set her alarm early this morning, and as soon as it was 8 o'clock, Luo Jiajia hurriedly called Song Ling.

Since it was working time, Song Ling saw the unfamiliar call and answered it, "Hello!"

Luo Jiajia hurriedly smiled, "Hello there! May I ask if your place is the recruitment office of Lingling Farm? I'm here to apply for a job as an accountant."

Song Ling's first impression was quite good when she heard Luo Jiajia's cheerful, loud, and polite voice.

She smiled and replied back, "Yes, I'm here at the recruiting office of Lingling Farms, you should have read the conditions of recruitment, right? Just bring your documents over for the interview."

Luo Jiajia happily smiled and responded, "Okay, then I'll be right there, my house is nearby."

Song Ling was a little surprised, it would be better if the family is nearby.

"Then come over here!"

"Okay, see you later!"

Song Ling had just hung up Luo Jiajia's phone when her cell phone rang again, "Hello!"

"Hello! Is that Lingling Farm?"

The caller this time was a man with a deep, pleasant voice that was very magnetic.

Song Ling responded, "Yes, what position do you want to apply for?"

The other party replied very succinctly: "Security."

Song Ling asked again: "Are you a veteran?"


"Then just come to the interview with your ID!"

"I would like to ask again, we have a group of brothers, can we go for an interview together?"

Song Ling replied: "Yes, as long as they meet my recruitment conditions, I will accept them."

"Okay, thank you. We'll be there in a moment. My name is Shen Han."

"Okay, Mr. Shen, welcome."

After Song Ling hung up Shen Han's phone, she received several more calls for interviews.

Luo Jiajia came quickly, she rode a small electric tire, and then followed her cell phone navigation to find the place.

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