Chapter 4 The End and the Beginning (Part 4)

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Seeing her it was like seeing an oasis in a desert with no water for a week. She stands there still staring at her completely frozen. The only motion is the tears pouring down from her eyes. When Fei Cui finally notices her she froze too. Fei Cui is a very cute yet elegant type of beauty. With her dark brown hair, big brown eyes, and snow-white skin. She is wearing a mint green and pink hanfu with flower embroidery. Then Fei Cui ran towards her and hugged her. Zan Cui fell to the ground with Fei Cui clinging on her. Not knowing what to do, Zan Cui lays completely still like a doll as she hears her sister's quiet sobs. Hearing this her heart starts to break but she is also very confused. Why is her sister crying? Her sister stopped crying when they were 10, she always kept her emotions hidden and under control even to her.

Zan Cui: " Si... sister, do you also remember what happened? No what will happen in the future."

Fei Cui: " You... you too?"

Zan Cui: " You died in that cave."

Fei Cui: " Ah, so we both remember! She shouts as she stares into Zen's eyes.

Zan Cui: " So we both were able to get transported back in time!"

Fei Cui: " What do you mean?"

Zan Cui: " I will tell you, but not here. Too many peapole can come by." Fei nods and they walk hand in hand toward Zen's room, where no servants visit. Then they sitt down and Zen explains everything. Leving out a few details such as the dragon egg. Such things are better kept secret until she is strong enough to protect both her and her sister.

Fei Cui: " Wait, did you not get the awakening pill?"

Zan Cui:" What are you talking about?"

Fei Cui: " When I agreed to move into the royal palace it was only under the condition that you would be given an awakening pill so that you would be able to cultivate."

Zan Cui: " I did not get any, Also that would have been useless."

Fei Cui: " What!?"

Zan Cui: " My dantian was never broken, instead it was sealed away by mother. She did not want to be able to grow more powerful than her son."

Fei Cui: " Why... why did you not tell me?" She asks sadly.

Zan Cui: " Before this, I thought you knew, after all, there is no one else here who does not know this. 

Fei Cui: " Is there something else that I did not know about?"

Zan Cui: "..." She did not dare say it.

Fei Cui: " So there is something, tell me!"

Zan Cui hesitates for a while until she finally decides to tell her: " They periodically did bloodletting on me and made our brother drink it."

Fei Cui: " WHAT?!"

Zan Cui: " They wanted to transfer my dragon's fate to him and someone told them that him drinking my blood would do that. But it is a very long process and they needed fresh blood for it. That was one of the reasons why they kept me alive. That of course was a scam and they had no problem letting me die once they discovered that."

Hearing this Fei Cui starts to cry, she feels so ashamed for not noticing the severity of her sister's suffering. Devastated by all that she went through and most of all remorseful for all the wrong choices she made. Seeing her weeping Zan Cui grabs her face so that she looks at her and puts her forehead against hers. 

Zan Cui: "Don't cry, We can't change what happened in our past life but we can in this one. We have the opportunity to redo everything." 

Fei Cui: " Yes, but how, everything we do has always been under the control of the Cui family."

Zan Cui: " That is why I am planning to remove myself from the family records."

Fei Cui looks at her with surprise: " Are you sure that's wise, we will have no place to go then. No one wants to support someone who has been cast out by their family."

Zan Cui: " As long we are strong enough to support ourselves, what's the problem, it is not like we have anything worth staying for."

Fei Cui: " What about Uncle Eun Xi?"

Zan Cui: " We can talk to him and ask him to leave with us or maybe ask him to return to the Xi family. After all his wife died 10 years ago and they have no children. Maybe he is only staying because of us."

Fei Cui: "... But if he disagrees?"

Zan Cui: " Then there is nothing we can do, I don't like it either but we must get away, with or without him."

Fei Cui: "... I understand, I will go with you." She says with determination.

Zan Cui smiles: " Good, I was afraid that you would disagree. After all, your life here is not as bad as mine. All you have to do is to find a more trustworthy and powerful husband and you will be fine."

Hearing this Fei Cui pouts: " No, I want to be with you. I will never let a man keep us apart ever again."

Hearing her answer Zan Cui smiles and says: " Good."

Fei Cui smiles and asks: " Then do you have a plan?"

Zan Cui: " Not yet, but I do know that we need to become stronger first. We also need money. But don't worry I will find a way to sever our family bond for good. Then we will move far away, maybe near the border, and live a normal and calm life."

Fei Cui: "... I don't think that living a normal life would suit you."

Zan Cui: " Why, because of my dragon fate?"

Fei Cui: " Yes, you may run from it but trouble will always be attracted to you. After all, no one can escape luck-based fates."

Zan Cui: " Just because I have a dragon fate does not mean that it is 100% accurate. If I do not seek power then my fate won't come into play. I only have a higher probability of becoming someone great.  Besides, maybe my destiny is to become the world's greatest farmer."

Fei Cui: "... One can dream."

Zan Cui: "Don't look at me like that."

Fei Cui: " Sure, sure."

Zan Cui: " Anyway, can you promise me not to be too big-hearted this time? You can't trust someone without reason."

Fei Cui: " When did I do that?" She complains but when she sees her sister raising her eyebrow she sighs.

Fei Cui: " Alright, but it only happened once."

Zan Cui: " You know that it is not true."

Fei Cui: " Alright, alright. But I swear that I have learned my lesson now."

Zan Cui: " I believe you."

Fei Cui: "That's good."

Zan Cui: " I need to return to my room now, so I dont get into trouble for being with you."

Fei Cui: " Alright, goodbye."

Zan Cui: " Goodbye and remember to train hard and find ways to earn money."

Fei: " I will work hard."

After saying that Zan Cui disappears from her sight.

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