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The crowd quietened down as the announcements were made. Many noble families had been gathered for the grand birthday party that the king threw for himself. Or was it really a birthday party for himself?

"Her Royal Highness, F/n, Princess of Astraea."

The announcement was followed by the sounds of trumpets before the large door of the balcony was opened. Out walked the princess, hands elegantly placed on her sides with her face positioned straight up, looking at nothing but the wall across from her.

The crowd could not help but gasp, women with their hands covering their gaped mouths. Perhaps it was the dress that caught their eyes or maybe the graceful wings or the immensely dashing aura. Whatever it was, the princess caught all their attention.

It was like it was written all over her face: the future queen.

She sat beside her father, the queen on the other side. With an exhale, she started searching for the golden-haired man.

"I expect you to be all ready," the king suddenly said.

"For what?" F/n asked, staring at him with a confused gaze.

"The dance," he said sternly and the girl knew better than to oppose.

She looked away with a grim look. "So I am."

The trumpets were blown once again and the first royal family walked out.

"His Majesty, King Enji of Arodine and His Highness, Prince Shoto."

The two males bowed at them, the king with a frown and the Prince with no emotion. The king was wearing very heavy-looking clothes with gold jewellery all over. The prince, on the other hand, wore a white suit with gold linings and a pair of black gloves. They stood up properly and the girl caught her gaze.

It was as though there was something familiar about his eyes, something that she could not get a hold of. Shaking the odd feeling, her right hand grabbed her left as her fingers started playing with her ring.

"Their Majesties, King and Queen Bakugou of Lucretia and His Highness, Prince Katsuki."

The family bowed and curtsied, the king and queen with their warm smiles and the prince with a scowl. Both the king and the queen wore elegant clothes, all looking neat and presentable. The prince, too, looked well-groomed. He wore a black suit and a dark red dress shirt. To complete the look, he had golden accessories decorating him and a pair of plain white gloves.

Without sparing a second look, the prince walked away, following the queen who looked like she was about to grab the nearest sword to execute him.

"His Majesty, King Toshinori of Estegrine and His Highness, Prince Izuku."

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