White Lion's last story

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I am Seraphina, but they call me the White Lion. My true name is known to only a handful, as my legendary alias has taken precedence. My armor is an intricate blend of primary colors, woven with black metal and adorned with delicate gold embellishments. The back of my helmet showcases a cascade of soft white fur, resembling the grandeur of a lion's mane. With my shaved head, piercing amber eyes, and full lips, I cut a commanding figure in the world of knights and honor.

I stand as a proud member of Paladen's Pride, a renowned fellowship dedicated to shielding humanity from any lurking peril. Among our distinguished group, I have become known for my ferocious combat style, a frenzy reminiscent of a berserker, and my weapon of choice – formidable gauntlets that empower me to strike with unparalleled force.

On a particular evening, we received an invitation to a grand ball held in our honor. While my fellow knights adorned themselves in opulent garments, I chose the practicality of my armor, prioritizing duty over fashion. The attendees, cloaked in silks and satins, couldn't resist poking fun at my decision, deeming me too serious and unyielding, even on a night meant for celebration.

However, as the evening progressed, the elegant ballroom grew stifling, and I yearned for a breath of fresh air. I stepped out into the castle's courtyard, seeking respite from the revelry within. The night air was cool, and the moon's gentle glow bathed everything in a silver hue.

As I wandered through the courtyard, I happened upon a red-haired waitress who was taking a break from her duties. Her eyes sparkled with curiosity and kindness, but there was also a trace of annoyance. It was evident that she found the rich and stuck-up attendees inside the ball rather insufferable.

**Seraphina:** "The night inside is beautiful, but it's become quite overwhelming."

**Elara:** "Overwhelming? You have no idea. Dealing with those rich, stuck-up assholes is a daily challenge."

**Seraphina:** "I can imagine. They can be quite demanding."

**Elara:** "Demanding is an understatement. They expect us to read their minds and cater to their every whim."

**Seraphina:** "Believe me, I know what it's like to deal with entitled people. They can be a real pain."

As we talked, I couldn't help but notice that Elara was rather cute. I took in her appearance and couldn't resist making a flirtatious remark, which caused her to blush. Our conversation was abruptly halted by screams coming from inside the castle.

A massive explosion rocked the castle, and enormous blocks of stone rained down from the sky. Without hesitation, I sprinted back inside, my gauntlets at the ready, to confront the chaos that had erupted. What I witnessed next was a horrifying scene.

Inside the now-ruined ballroom, everyone lay lifeless, including my fellow knights from Paladen's Pride. The once-glamorous event had turned into a nightmarish catastrophe. The explosion had taken everyone by surprise, and there was no one left to save, no one to protect. The rich, the entitled, and the humble had all met the same tragic fate.

My heart sank as I surveyed the devastation before me. My comrades, my friends, all gone in an instant. The castle had become a tomb, and I was left standing amidst the ruins, grappling with the enormity of the loss.

I stood there in the ruined ballroom, surrounded by the lifeless bodies of both nobles and my fellow knights. The horrific explosion had taken everyone by surprise, and as I surveyed the devastation, my heart sank. I was overwhelmed by a sense of helplessness.

But the nightmare was far from over. The authorities, believing that I, the White Lion, had somehow caused this catastrophe, swiftly arrested me for the murder of everyone present. Despite my pleas of innocence, I was sentenced to death and confined to a dimly lit jail cell. The weight of injustice pressed upon me as I awaited my impending execution.

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