Chapter 6.

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They all were gathered in the drawing room. Eira didn't backed off nor let her father to do anything cause she gave her word and now she can't deny this. Adil called his closest friend to read the marriage vows.

His friend started reading the vows and first asked Eira whether she take James Jonathon as her lawful husband. She was quiet for a minute.

"I do." She said after a pause, he then asked again two more times and she repeated her answer.

He then asked Alex whether he take Eira Noor as his lawful wife.

"I do." He replied within a heartbeat, he was again asked two more times and his answer was same. Adil friend congratulated them for this marriage and prayed for them. They even signed the papers.

Alex was getting so much desperate to see her face. He gave her half an hour time to pack up her things and they will leave in an hour.

Eira immediately rushed to her room and took a deep breath. She started pacing in her room. Her hands were getting cold and a little shivery. A soft knock came and she immediately opened the door.

"Ammi Ammi I can't do this. I can't stay strong. He doesn't even know anything about Islam. What if he drinks and do the stuff what if he force me to do all those haraam things..." She started rambling. Her mother came forward and hugged her tightly with tears.

"I'm sorry so sorry. I should have stopped it in the first place. You still have time run from here. There are no guards so you can run. Go to your aunt's house and..."

Eira didn't let her mother to complete.

"I can't do this and we both know that Ammi. I should just accept it I guess, please just pray for me."

"I'll always pray for you sweetheart. You still have time Eira please run from here."

"No Ammi leave it I accepted it." She sighed and started packing the stuff. Her mother was crying continuously.

"Ammi relax please I can't see you like this please calm down." She made her mother to sit on the bed and gave her a glass of water.

She was trying so hard not to breakdown infront of her mother. She assured her mother for straight 15 minutes and started her packing. She packed most of her things in just 10 minutes.

Her heart rate was going at peak thinking about what he will do to her. She was never this terrified in her life, but she wasn't showing it to anyone. She was staying strong. She kept her pocket knife near her ankle and kept the spare one in her bag.

She cracked her knuckles and took a deep breath. Her mother was already called down by her father.

She took the pepper spray and kept it under her abhaya. She was getting ready as if she is going to some war.

She fixed her hijab and wore her niqab adjusting it a little. She carried all her bags and went down with a glare.

Alex and Daniel were seated in their places while Adil and his wife were standing near the stairs waiting for their only daughter.

As she took the last step her mother hugged her.

"Ammi stop crying I'm fine." She whispered in a gentle voice.

Her Father was gently caressing her back with tears brimming in his eyes. She hugged them both and moved apart, cause she knew if she don't leave now then it will never happen.

"C'mon now." Alex was getting so impatient.

She glared at him and he rolled his eyes.

"Didn't you fucking listen, move.." Daniel was getting near her mother but before he or anyone does it she kicked his stomach with a force and punched his nose making him stumble back.

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