Chapter 12.

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They were in car and Alex was driving, his car was surrounded by SUV's of his men. He was in his Lamborghini.

"First we are going for the dress, then the cake selection, then to select rings. Is it alright for you?" He asked glancing at her.

She was changing him, he would never tell anyone what he will be doing or what his plans are, but now even for small things he is saying everything to her.

"Yeah it's fine."

He smiled at her and focused back on driving.

"Alex?" She called after a pause.


"I can invite my parents right?"

"Look around." He said with a smirk.

She looked at him confused but looked outside of the window and got super excited.

"We are going to my parents." She said excitedly looking at him with so much admiration, making him smile.

"Yes we are."

"Thank you so much Alex."

"You don't need to thank me sweetheart, do you really thought we are doing our reception without your parents."

"I don't know, maybe." She said in a low voice.

"Eira, you are not a prisoner nor held as a captive. I know this marriage was against your wish but from now on your every word is important for me." He assured her glancing at her time to time.

She got lost in him listening it, how can someone change positively to this extend in just few days? How can their relation is getting so comfortable? How can he be so understanding?

There were many questions but his one smile was showing his sincerity. That, whatever he is telling is not just words but are hidden promises.

He parked the car infront of her house and they both got down. Alex ordered the men to stay in their cars.

Eira knocked the door excitedly and looked beside her at Alex. He was already looking at her with a slight smile as he is not used to show emotions infront of the whole world.

The door opened revealing her mother. Her mother's eyes widen seeing her.

"Assalam ul alaikum Ammi." She said excitedly.

"Walikum as salaam my girl." Her mother replied and her hugged her.

"Assalam ul alikum aunt." Alex said awkwardly making both Eira and her mother to taken back. They have smile on their faces listening him.

"Walikum as salaam get in."

They all settled down in the drawing room. Eira was so happy looking at her mother.

"Ammi, where is Abbu?" She asked after having a small conversation.

"He went to work, I'll call him." She said and got up.

Eira looked at Alex with a smile, who was already looking at her with peaceful expression.

"Thank you Alex."

"It's not a big deal."

"It is for me."

"Eira, as I told you before you are not held as a captive by me. You are free to do anything but just say me before doing as for your safety."

She smiled widely making his heart to skip a beat. With that her mother came and served the snacks and tea to them. They talked randomly and after about half an hour Adil came.

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