Chapter 81.

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Chris was dragging Eira with him holding her elbow.

"Don't touch me I'll come." She jerked her hand away from him and he just kept quiet, now he was leading the way while two of the guards were behind her.

She was scanning every little inch of the place, trying to find the escape. She touched her stomach and took a breath of relief feeling the knife.

She stopped in the middle looking at something, or someone her eyes were like burning coal looking at them. Both Bella and Louis gulped under her gaze but she didn't stop glaring at them.

"Walk." One of the guards tried to touch her shoulder but she ducked down.

"I said don't touch me." She glared at him and started walking behind Chris.

"Where are you taking me?" She asked.

"Torture room." Chris replied and both the guards laughed.

She rolled her eyes and felt like punching them. The only thing she was praying to Allah was not to snatch her hijab away.

She was as if asking the hungry hyenas to not eat the rabbit.

She was taking deep breaths to calm her cheetah heart and was continuously mumbling the Ayats. She was a little scared thinking what might happen to her but she left it thinking Allah will not burden a soul beyond it can bear.

She was covered from head to toe, she even covered her face as well. She scrunched her nose smelling blood.

Chris opened the door, it was like a dungeon and went inside, she took a step inside and felt like puking up.

This smell was worse from the first time she saw a cadaver, she felt like stopping her breath.

"Don't you guys know how to clean." She mumbled to herself but Chris listened and looked at her amused.

He was surprised how calm she can be knowing she will be punished severely.

She looked at her surroundings registering everything, it was the habit of Alex which even she opted in her life.

She looked at the corner where there were torture equipments.

"Can I take one thing from that?" She asked.

Chris was really enjoying spending time with her, he signed her in approval and she went near the table. He was curious to know what she would pick.

She was keenly looking at the equipment and for a second she thought of taking advantage of this but wasn't able to do it.

She first took a tongue tearer, but kept it immediately when she found a small tongue piece to it. She shuddered and Chris was stifling his laugh.

She then took a thumb-screwe and looked at it keenly, she kept her left thumb in it but Chris immediately took it from her.

With that the door burst open and Stefan entered.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Stefan yelled looking at Chris.

"I was letting her choose which torture she wants to choose it for herself." Chris lied smoothly making Stefan laugh evilly.

"So, what did she choose?" He asked in a dark voice making Eira to shiver.

She took a step back seeing that evil filled eyes of his, the things happened a few months ago roamed back in her mind and she was missing Alex to the core.

To The Straight Path.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora