Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Years had passed since their last encounter. Evangeline, now fifteen years old, had experienced significant changes in her life. One of the most remarkable developments was her deepening friendship with the wolf she had met within her own mind. His name was Seiko, and thanks to Evangeline's parents, she had managed to free him from his seal. Now, he accompanied her as an adorable wolf cub, faithfully by her side, and even offering occasional protection, depending on his mood. The animosity from people had lessened over time, and they now regarded Evangeline as a mysterious figure, largely due to her consistent use of a face mask. Additionally, she had dedicated herself to mastering new spells, a wealth of which would be unveiled later.

Lost in her thoughts, Evangeline's reverie was abruptly interrupted by Seiko, who had scaled her head and perched there. His voice rang out, urging her to hurry as he reminded her of the important news her parents had to deliver.

"I don't understand why you're still on my head," Evangeline remarked, her hands moving swiftly to prepare herself before leaving the room in haste.

In the castle corridors, an amusing sight unfolded—a teenage girl with a wolf cub resting atop her head. Ignoring the odd looks, she made her way to the dining room, where she discovered her parents already engrossed in their meal.

"So, you're eating without me? Is that how it is now? You don't like me anymore?" Evangeline feigned offense.

"Indeed, she's right! You're traitors for eating without us," Seiko added, his playful voice betraying his mischievous nature.

Azumi, her mother, intervened, her smile radiant. "You weren't going to perish just because of that, and besides, we have something to tell you."

Curiosity sparked within Evangeline as she inquired, "What is it that you want to talk to me about?"

Misaki, her mother, couldn't contain her excitement as she shared the news. "Your mother and I have decided to send you to the newly constructed magic school. Isn't that wonderful?" she exclaimed, brimming with joy.

"Azumi, I don't see any issue with that. Why are you so excited, Misaki?" Evangeline questioned, perplexed by her mother's exuberance.

Azumi explained, her excitement matching Misaki's, "She's excited because this school accepts students from all species. It aims to identify the geniuses from each race and observe their strengths."

Misaki chimed in, highlighting the requirements for admission. "But remember, you can't simply enter the school. You'll have to pass the entrance exam, which starts tomorrow."

Evangeline's motivation waned as she responded with little enthusiasm, "I see. And what does this entrance exam entail?"

Azumi clarified, "Come on, Evangeline. There will be a written exam to evaluate your knowledge, followed by a practical exam, which I believe is a simple battle."

Confident in her abilities, Misaki chimed in, "That shouldn't pose a problem for you, my daughter."

Evangeline agreed, "Yeah, it shouldn't be an issue. But can I bring Seiko with me?"

Azumi granted permission but with a caveat, "Of course, you can bring him along, but he can't assist you during the fights, right, Evangeline?"

Evangeline nodded in understanding, ready to depart. However, before she could leave, Azumi held her hand and offered a cryptic remark. "I hope you'll excel and give it your all," she said, her eyes reflecting a hint of darkness.

Seiko and Evangeline shivered involuntarily at the intensity of Azumi's gaze. "Yes, don't worry, Mom. I'll do my best," Evangeline assured, her voice tinged with a mixture of determination and trepidation.

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