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Chapter 21

After finishing the task of unpacking her belongings, Evangeline decided to take a stroll with Seiko. By the time they returned to the dormitory, darkness had enveloped the surroundings. However, a pressing issue presented itself as Evangeline attempted to enter Mana's dormitory— the door was locked. Knocking on the door yielded no response, leaving Evangeline feeling a sense of worry.

"We can't possibly sleep outside, Seiko," she voiced her concern.

Seiko, always resourceful, suggested an alternative. "There's a window next to the room. We can try entering through there or conjure a ladder using your magic."

"We won't resort to destroying the door, but your idea about the window seems plausible," Evangeline agreed.

Circling around the dormitory, they located the window. However, a new predicament arose— it was positioned quite high.

"How are we supposed to reach up there, Seiko?" Evangeline scratched her head, pondering the challenge ahead.

"You can utilize your magic to create a ladder," Seiko proposed.

"Yes, you're right. That's a good idea," Evangeline concurred, preparing to concentrate her magic. But before she could begin, a sudden impact struck her head, startling her. She turned around to discover the Principal wielding her staff, clearly angered by the scene.

"Evangeline! Are you trying to set the dormitory on fire?" The Principal's voice resonated with fury.

"No, that's not it. I'm attempting to create a ladder," Evangeline hurriedly explained, hoping to quell the Principal's anger.

"Yes, it's true. We don't have the keys to Mana's dormitory," Seiko chimed in, adding further context.

Understanding dawned on the Principal's face. "Ah, I see. It's my fault for not providing you with the spare keys."

With a snap of her fingers, the Principal conjured a key and handed it to Evangeline. "Thank you. I won't trouble you any further, Madam Principal," Evangeline expressed her gratitude, flashing a smile.

"It's nothing. Now, return to your dormitory and have a good night," the Principal replied, her demeanor softening.

"Wait a moment," Seiko interjected suspiciously. "What were you doing in the dormitory at this hour?"

"I was simply checking if all the students had safely returned to their dormitories. Additionally, I took the opportunity to see if anyone required assistance," the Principal swiftly concocted an explanation.

Seiko seemed skeptical but refrained from further inquiry. Evangeline decided it was best to return to the dormitory. This time, she managed to open the door and entered the bedroom, only to find Mana peacefully engrossed in a book.

"Are you serious? You could have opened the door," Evangeline snapped, her anger evident.

Mana remained silent, continuing to read her book. Infuriated by the lack of response, Evangeline snapped her fingers, causing the book to burst into flames, reduced to mere ash.

"Why did you do that? It was my favorite book," Mana seethed with anger.

"You can speak now. Consider it a lesson for not listening to me," Evangeline retorted, a smug smile on her face.

Seiko glanced at both of them, deciding it was best to distance himself from their quarrel. He silently made his exit, wanting no part in their conflict.

"I warn you, Evangeline. You better not make a habit of destroying my belongings. You've already ruined my bow," Mana warned with a hint of menace.

"I will continue destroying your things as long as you maintain this attitude towards me. And let's not forget, you were the one who initiated this," Evangeline declared defiantly.

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