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"No, Aaron, she's my prey, and I intend to deal with her," Rhys declared.

With a mere snap of Aaron's fingers, Rhys was consumed by roaring flames. His agonized screams echoed through the forest, but within moments, the cries vanished, and there was no trace of Rhys, as if he had never existed.

Witnessing this horrifying turn of events, Evangeline and Seiko were on high alert. They now realized the dire consequences they might face.

Evangeline, shocked by Rhys' fate, couldn't help but question Aaron, "How can you kill your own teammates?"

Aaron, the man-dragon, chuckled at Evangeline's surprise. "I don't care about my teammates. I'm here solely to ensure your capture, and besides, he was weak, deserving of nothing but death," he stated with a chilling smile.

Evangeline and Seiko exchanged a glance, knowing that they had to quickly deal with Aaron from this point onward. As a result, they initiated their strategy. Flames promptly enveloped Evangeline, forming a fiery cape. Seiko was encased in a similar blaze. In an instant, both Evangeline and Seiko vanished from Aaron's view.

They reappeared behind him, with Evangeline throwing a punch. However, Aaron swiftly evaded her strike. Seiko seized the opportunity to unleash a blue fireball, which hit Aaron. Smoke billowed, obscuring vision, but after a few moments, the smoke dissipated, revealing Aaron completely unscathed.

Evangeline and Seiko were taken aback by Aaron's resilience. His seemingly indestructible nature was a concerning revelation. As the tension mounted, they understood that dealing with Aaron wouldn't be as straightforward as they had hoped.

Aaron, having withstood their initial attack, spun around to face them. His eyes blazed with an intensity that sent shivers down their spines.

"You two are persistent," he growled, baring his teeth.

In a flash, Aaron's body started glowing . His entire form radiated a brilliant light, making it impossible for Evangeline and Seiko to look directly at him.

They knew that things had escalated to a dangerous level.

Evangeline and Seiko quickly realized they needed to act with even more precision and coordination if they were going to confront this powerful foe.

Evangeline concentrated, and her fiery aura intensified. She raised her hands, creating a wall of swirling blue flames to shield herself and Seiko from Aaron's dazzling light. The intense heat radiated from the barrier, creating a shimmering, ethereal glow.

Seiko took the moment to draw his power from the elemental forces around him. His aura transformed into an electric blue, and he raised his paws, ready to strike.

Aaron's intense glow began to flicker, and he launched himself at them with incredible speed, his fists charged with energy.

Just before he reached them, Seiko released a bolt of lightning, while Evangeline hurled a volley of fireballs toward him. The explosive combination of electricity and fire struck Aaron with tremendous force.

The forest echoed with a deafening explosion, and when the smoke cleared, Aaron was sprawled on the ground, his body battered and his aura weakened.

Evangeline and Seiko stood there, panting, having narrowly survived their confrontation with this formidable adversary. But they knew it wasn't over. Aaron slowly got back to his feet, a malevolent smile on his face. The battle was far from finished, and they had to dig even deeper into their powers to face this relentless opponent.

Aaron, his body battered and bruised, was not one to be underestimated. With a cruel grin, he unleashed his dragon-like powers, summoning a swirling vortex of flames and lightning around him. The sheer force of his elemental energy caused the very ground beneath them to tremble.

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