Watch Your Attitude

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My birthday is coming up and I can't really find something to wear. In less than a month I'm supposed to find a good dinner dress. My idea was a short yet classy dress. I don't know if my master will approve but he is pro-slutty dresses. I love that about him. Even though he allows me to wear short dresses, where I go wearing them matters to him. He's not around. He's away for business and I really don't have him to guide me. I kinda miss him. Because he's busy we don't talk that much. It's a different time zone and also he gets to his hotel tired. My time is hours ahead of his.

I end up falling asleep while on video chat. He doesn't like that at all. It's never intentional though but it's still disrespectful to sleep when your Dom is talking to you. He'll be back on the eve of my birthday dinner. I haven't told him I want a girls dinner yet. I don't know how he'll take it especially since he was looking forward to a private time with me. I was too actually but I promised my girls I'd go out with them.

Fast forward to three days before

I still haven't found the perfect dress and I'm running out of time. The venue I had planned for dinner changed my table so I decided to cancel the reservation. I wanted an outdoor setting. Luckily I know a place I can crush into at the last minute I just have to be there on time.

The eve of the dinner
I'm in a foul mood for some reason. Planning is stressful. Some of my girls want to cancel on the eve. I don't even know what to do.
My master calls and I answer immediately. I have lots of questions for him.
"Hey babyy"
"Hi...can you help me with something? When are you coming home? Do you think I should cancel the dinner?"
"Woow not even a 'how are you master,how was your day....huh?"
"I have a lot of things to do and you're not here....I'm sorry that was was your day?"
"My day was tiring...I'm tired and thanks for asking."
"When will you arrive?"
"I don't know babe but soon"

I stare at him annoyed. I'm actually so stressed and he says soon.
"Soon?? That's all you're going to say. Tell me something better."
"Heyyy!! I know you're frustrated but you don't have to shout. Shouting at me won't solve anything."

He's definitely right but I'm not in the mood for a sensible talk.
I pace around in silence as he just stares at the screen.
"So did you find a dress for your dinner?"
"Now you care?"
"Of course I care about you  baby but work is important I'm sorry I couldn't stay and help"
"If you're not here then you're useless to me "
I click my tongue as I end the call.
I'm really not good at handling stressful situations. I always end up crying. Now I took it out on my Master which will come back and bite me in the ass.
The phone starts ringing, I know it's him. I don't want to talk to him. But answering the phone is one of the rules; communication is important.
I don't answer and he calls two more times which I ignore.
My phone pings and I see a message notification.
_if you don't answer the phone you're going to regret it. _
_be a good girl and answer the phone, okay sweetie_
The phone rings and I'm still thinking about answering it before it ends.
_you want to try that again??_

As it rings for the fifth time, I answer it immediately. I already feel guilty for being disrespectful. I look at him with pleading eyes.
"Do I have to even say it?"
I nod no.
I start heading to the corner. Before I'm stopped by his voice.
"On second thought, find a coin and come back here"
This is definitely not good

*I know I won't be able to write for a while so this is just a snippet. Enjoy
Comment,vote,any feedback is appreciated*
Signing out for now

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