Watch Your Attitude part 2

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Find a coin ...this isn't a good idea.
It might just be the usual corner time with a coin to my nose; kneeling or standing. I know I can handle that I've done it before.
I still hate time out. It's boring. It makes me think a lot about my actions. Time always seems constant when you're in cornertime .
I search through the bedroom drawer and get an idea. I come back to the phone facing down.
"I didn't find a coin"
Nooooh don't judge me. I know I shouldn't lie but I can't take a punishment nor a punishment on the eve of my birthday.
He laughs sarcastically before speaking, "In the entire house there isn't a single coin right??"
I remain silent.
"Oooh now you become dumb?"
Still silence.
"Okay what do I hate most?"
"Food without chilies"
He chuckles. "This is not a time for you to crack jokes. Now answer the question before I get angry"
"Lying and disrespectful behaviour"
"Good. Now do you really want to carry on with the lie?? I already know you didn't look for the coin. If you deny and say you looked I'll take your word for it. But if you lie to me, *pause*
Sitting will become a foreign thing to you. You know I don't bluff right?"
"Yes sir " I whisper.
"Speak up slut"
"Yes master ...I didn't look for a coin like I should have "
"Now was that hard? So because your birthday is coming up I'll let the lying go. Now get that coin fast"
I rush and find it before his countdown of 10 is over.
"Good. Set your phone right. Squat next to the wall. Place that coin on your nose. The coin better not fall at any circumstance. If it does then you add an extra five minutes. You'll stay next to the wall for fifteen minutes
Anything you'd like to say?"
"No Sir....I'm sorry for my behavior "
"Thank your lucky stars I'm not there with you right now. Because disrespectful behaviour is unacceptable in any circumstance. Now head to the wall. I still want to talk to you after this."

I squat and place the coin on my nose. Before I could position myself well, the coin dropped to the floor. He says nothing about it.
[Three minutes in]
I now understand why I was only given fifteen minutes unlike normal cornertime. I'm supporting my whole body by standing on my toes. My joints are killing me. I'm not obese but I'm not physically fit either. Physical punishments!!I hate them.
[Five minutes in]
The clarity has begun to settle in. I'm regretting calling my master useless.
He's not useless. He's everything. I don't even know how I would survive without him. He helps me through everything. I shouldn't have said that. Unknowingly, tears start flooding my eyes. And it's a matter of time before I'm sobbing. I don't want the coin to drop because I want to do this punishment well.
[Ten minutes in]
I'm no longer crying and I appreciate that he let me cry without saying a word. Whenever I'm frustrated, crying always helps. In other times, he holds me in his arms and I can cry it all .
"I don't want to scold you or give you a lecture. It's clear you know what you did. Baby I love you and I just think maybe you need to handle your emotions better."
My nose becomes itchy and I try moving the coin so as to rub my nose in the process. Boom!! The coin falls. I want to cry . I don't know how long it will take. This time, master didn't tell me how many minutes I'm remaining with so it's worse this way. I can't handle more minutes here. My legs are killing me for sure. This is the worst punishment ever. I'd take a paddling over this.

The timer goes off and I'm so relieved. My relief doesn't last long. "A deal is a deal. You have five more minutes with the coin"
This man is going to kill me. Whaaat I can feel my feet and every ache in it. This is like leg day in the gym but so much worse. But this is no time to complain nor piss him off. So I'll just take it it's just five minutes. I was so deep in thought I didn't hear me call my name.
These five minutes are going to be the longest ever. I'm so tired.
"Just two more minutes babe"
Maybe I should count time might move faster. The coin falls again and I place it back in place immediately. Not even a minute later it falls again. He doesn't say a word but I know he noticed it. I start to cry as I place it back in place.
The timer goes off and I just stay put. I might have more cornertime than I thought.
"It's over babe. I know you've learnt your lesson. You're tired too and this was your first time doing it. When I'm actually present you'll be able to do it better I know. But for now you can drink some water and come back so we can talk."
"Thank you Master, thank you for punishing me. I'm sorry about my tongue. I'll do better next time."
"You're forgiven babe. I know you're stressed and all but we could have talked about things. You still have pretty dresses in your closet some you haven't even worn. We can choose from there."
"Yes babe bought most of them so you have good taste in fashion." I smile. I look at him and realise how much I love him. He's everything to me.
"If you were here I'd smother you with kisses and put my lipstick all over your face "
"Okay let's see your closet "

We spend two hours choosing clothes and outfits. We end up agreeing on a black dress that follows my body curves. He likes it because it accentuates my fat ass and a bit of hips. It has the right amount of cleavage. "It's all good and beautiful but I wanted a short dress, the one that exposes my know something nasty "
"Why do you want to show your thighs to other men huh?"
"C'mon babe are you jealous? They can only see but not touch. You're incomparable and the only one that can make me feel this good. No one can do that"
"I love you my slut"
"I love you too Sir "

Fast forward to the dinner. It was great. All my girlies came and we had dinner and later went out to the club to party. After drinking and having fun, my master surprised me by picking me up with a huge bouquet of flowers. I was so happy to see him and I squealed like a little girl. I loved it

I know I don't always include aftercare fully in this chapters but the few questions after a scene or punishment is a snippet of the aftercare. Aftercare is very important both for the Dom and the sub.

P/s :
physical punishments are the worst. Don't let your master discover that. It's the worst. Especially the one in this chapter, speaking from experience it's painful.

I don't know when I'll upload next but I hope it's soon. I'd like to get feedback from you guys.
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