still in the works

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"get the wires"
I'm instantly shocked.
"Get the cable wires....don't make me repeat myself"
I instantly shake my head no and fall to my knees.
"Please please Master.... please not that .... anything else please"
If you've experienced spanking with wires you'd know why I'm begging. The pain is immense.
"That or the Bunsen burner pipe"
He plays this game so well. Always giving choices that either is as bad as the other.
"Please nooooh please" shedding tears so early into the punishment.
"You brought this on yourself face up. You asked for choices I gave you that."
I'm sobbing and can't come up with an answer.
"You don't want to speak ?? *Pause* 
" okay you can sit on ice as I get the cable. You don't want me repeating myself, you won't like the outcome if I do."

I'm crying a whole lot more. That's worse than worse. And that's what happens when you bargain punishments. One lesson I never seem to learn throughout my sub life. And now my ass is going to get it.

He looks down at me on my knees. He rubs my head and leaves the room. I know he's very serious. I really f***ed up this time round.

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