Chapter 9

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Alex was letting loose. She was in her element when she was with her pack, knowing that she can't experience anything that she's not used to. Especially when she is in a club. She's dancing against some random guy, keeping an eye on what was occurring behind closed doors. She locks eyes with Malia who nods at her, their plan slowly falling into motion. Their next step was to head to one of the back entraces and knock out the guard. Alex does this with ease and she hears the worry of another guard asking for his position. Alex picks up the walkie talkie and speaks into it.

"Stiles, take ten off the table." She places the walkie-talkie back on the floor as she meets up with Scott, Kira and Malia. She nods in greeting and they make their way to the room Stiles and Lydia were gathered in but stopped when steam began to come out of the fan.

"Wolfsbane. It's wolfsbane." Scott shouts, the smoke causing the wolves to stop breathing as they couldn't get any air in their lungs. Giving both true alphas déjà vu at what happened with Victoria Argent, Allison's Mother. "Kira, get out of here!"

"For two people who have only been an alpha for only a few months, you should be more careful when facing a hunter of 40 years." The woman answers, clearly the leader of the group.

"All we want is Derek." Alex reveals, coughing on the wolfsbane.

"Ay, Lobito. You're both a long way from home." The woman states, watching as the wolves pass out onto the floor.


Alex slowly rolls out of her sleep, realising that she has been taken hostage yet again. She looks around the room and sees Scott waking up at the same time as them.

"They're awake. Guys, they're awake." Kira speaks, looking at the two alphas who slowly blink as they try to readjust their bearings.

"You guys okay?" Stiles questions, looking at the two alphas in concern.

"Yeah." Scott says with a nod.

"They don't have him. They don't have Derek." Alex says, looking around the group who nod as if they already knew that.

"We know. But right now, they have Lydia." Stiles reveals, causing confusion to cross their features.

"Lydia? What do they want with Lydia?" Scott wonders.

Alex thinks she knows the answer to the question as she looks at the group. "She's a banshee. She's special. The Calaveras know this." Alex begins to look around the room, wondering if there was a way for them to get out, but if anything it's the opposite, it looks as if people have died in there.

"We already looked for a way out. I think a lot of people have." Kira tells her, noticing how Alex tried to look for a way out. She nods her head at the marks against the wall and tries to think of a different way out.

"I say, when that door opens again, we take out whoever's standing in the way and run for it." Malia plans and they all notice the fatal flaw in her plan.

"What about Lydia?" Kira wonders.

"What about her?" Malia asks confused as if she doesn't see what was wrong with her suggestion.

"We're not leaving without her." Scott protests, only confusing Malia more.

"Why not?"

Stiles sighs, almost as if he's already had this conversation with her. "Because we don't leave without people. Remember? We talked about this. Rules of the wild kingdom don't apply to friends."

"Is that what you would do as a coyote? Leave her for dead?" Kira asks, almost getting agitated at Malia's responses.

"If she was weak and injures, yeah. If hunting had been bad that season, I would eat her." She pauses as the others gave her a look of horror. "Then I'd leave."

bad idea, right? (Elijah Mikaelson)Where stories live. Discover now