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"So tell me about yourself, Gojo-san."

He scoffs at your question as the two of you make your way down the escalator, descending towards the subway station. "What is this, an interview?"

"Yes," you deadpan, giving him your best customer service smile. "I'm determining if you're worth the cost of 4 pastries right now."

"Oh please, I'm worth way more than that!" He waves you off with a lazy hand before placing a finger on his chin in consideration. "If I really had to think about it, I'd say I'm worth... at least 120 million yen."

You almost trip over your feet as you step off the escalator, looking up to give him an incredulous stare of mixed shock and confusion. "120 million? Self-centered, much?"

"I'll take that as a compliment, thank you. And I'll have you know that I have an amazing million-yen smile." To prove his point, Gojo-san places his thumb and pointer finger against his jaw as he gives you a radiant smile.

Though you roll your eyes at the beaming light coming from his direction, you can't help but agree (but it's not like you'd ever admit that to his face).

He leans down, putting his face closer to yours as the two of you make your way to the subway platform. "So, what about you?"

You barely stop yourself from flinching, ignoring him as you continue staring straight ahead. "Well, if you add it all up, a normal human body is about... 60 million yen, including all the organs, blood volume, bones, et cetera." You count the number of items on your hands, wiggling your fingers as you consider the options. "Since I'm far from healthy and my body is on the weaker side, I'd subtract 10-20 million to get about 40 million yen, give or take."

One of his eyebrows perks up. "On the weaker side, huh?"

You laugh, giving him a slight shrug. "Well, I've been feeling better lately. But ever since I was little I've always had horrible migraines, muscle pains, and a horrible immune system. Thought it would get better when I got older, but I guess it didn't."

"...I see. I'm guessing that's why you became a doctor?"

"Yep. I spent so much of my childhood staying in the hospital, so I decided that I might as well make it my career." A bitter smile shows up on your face. "To be honest, I wanted to do my residency in Emergency Medicine, but my health was so poor that I wasn't able to last long enough to do night shifts. So I ended up in Family Medicine, which isn't bad, per se."

"Of course not. After all, you got to meet me."

Oh god.

The train headed towards Ginza screeches to a halt as it arrives on the platform, doors opening slowly. It's rush hour, and the amount of people inside makes you cringe as you step in, squeezing through to find a handle to hang on to. "Excuse me..."

You're just about to move deeper into the train when a hand catches yours, and pulls you back.

"Oops, almost lost you there." Gojo-san smiles as his fingers wrap around your hand, drawing you closer to him.

You raise an eyebrow, glancing up at him from your height. He's a full head taller than anyone else on the train, and his white hair doesn't exactly make him less conspicuous. "Even if I did get lost, I think I'd be able to find my way back just fine."

"Just wanted to make sure." His smile gentles as his hand reaches towards your bangs, brushing it aside and hooking it over your ear.

Your heart skips a beat as you flinch at the feeling of his cold fingers against your face, cheeks heating up a bit as his hand finally retracts. It's definitely nice to have someone as attractive as him by your side, but the way his touches feel so numerous and nonchalant leaves you feeling extremely confused.

...What's up with this guy? 

You let out an awkward cough, trying to change the topic. "So, Gojo-san, why did you become a teacher?"

"Gojo. You can just call me Gojo."





"...Gojo." You let out a sigh as you relent just a little bit, dropping the honorifics and addressing him more casually.

He lets out a laugh as you cave in, and you feel yourself becoming even more embarrassed by the second. "It's nice talking to you more casually! I prefer it over your customer service attitude, at least."

"Hey, I'm just being polite! And you didn't answer my question."

"Your question... what was it again?"

"...I was asking why you became a teacher."

"Ah, that." He snaps his finger as he remembers, then looks you straight in the eye. "I don't know!"


You don't know what kind of face you're making, but he has another dumb grin on his face that makes something in your head click. "You're just pulling my leg, aren't you?"

"What, you could tell?"

You bury your face in a hand as you scream inwardly. "I know I said I'd die for those strawberry tarts, but I think this is worse."

"It's not my fault you're so easy to mess with, you know." Gojo wiggles his eyebrows as he teases you, gaze turning to the opening train doors as you arrive at the next stop. Some passengers leave, and you grunt as they squeeze against you on their way off.

His hand lets go of yours, and you blink at the sudden emptiness.

"You don't have to stay."


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