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Satoru was barely present. It's something you're used to - really. But you couldn't stop missing him. You wanted him next to you, you missed his touch, his talk, everything

He was far away in the tasks that the higher ups gave him. You couldn't bring yourself to be angry, and even if you did you couldn't take it out on him. He had no control over it. He had to listen to them.

Like a dog, really. Obeys every order given to him, even though he doesn't have to. Obeys every command they give him even though he can do whatever he wants. He is the strongest after all

He talked to you several times about how fed up he was, he said he was going to make a change. He hated the higher ups. He blamed them for everything. He wanted them gone.

"These children are losing the best years of their lives! These higher ups are ruining their childhoods, sometimes I'm not sure I can protect them all the time.'' Satoru spoke, his voice was angry. You didn't know much about his past, he didn't want to tell - but you could guess that he was speaking from experience. Maybe he went through the same thing too?

There weren't many situations where you could comfort Satoru. He wouldn't open up to you much with his problems and thoughts, but when he did you tried to cheer him up as much as you could.

"You're too stressed, Satoru. You've been like this for a week. You need to relax..'' You brushed his hair that had fallen over his eyes, even though they were covered by a blindfold. He didn't wear it around you much

"Sorry, sorry." Satoru waved his hands and forced himself to smile. You didn't like that forced smile. you hated it "I have a bad feeling, that's all."

"You have nothing to worry about, Satoru. The kids will be fine, and so will you, and so will I, and so will everyone." You brought his face into your palms, looked at his hooded eyes and smiled. You couldn't ask yourself how he saw something, even though he had explained it to you many times before.

You thought to yourself for a few seconds. There has to be a way to encourage him right? There must be a way to improve his mood, there must be. So far he has made you the happiest woman on earth, you must find a way to return the favor, even if it is not his way.

"I heard from my friend that today there is a festival in town, it's almost new years. They decided to celebrate it early. do you want to go together? There will be delicious food, games, and fireworks too!" You asked him with a smile. His temporary silence made you think he would cancel the invitation, but he nodded and smiled. "Sure"

Love again- gojo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now