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"So? If you thought I would just come here to drink and eat you were wrong, so start explaining." You said with a straight face before taking a small bite of your strawberry tart.

You lied. One of the main reasons you accepted to meet him here in the first place was the fact that you were going to get free food.

Gojo sighed before opening his mouth to speak, but he quickly closed it. He seemed to be rethinking his words before he spoke now.

"Y/n, I know and totally understand that you are mad at me. It was a dick move to just leave without explaining anything but that's why I called back, I want to make things right again. Because I love you."

You could swear you almost laughed right at his face. Not from joy or anything- but from anger.
"Mad?? MAD?? I am more than mad! Way more! You just left me there alone gojo! Did you even consider how I felt?!"

You felt bad for making a scene in a cafe, but you really had a hard time holding back your emotions. Still, you tried to keep your voice low as you could.

You didn't want to get kicked out and lose your precious strawberry tarts after all.

"I know, and I am deeply sorry. Y/n. That's why I called you several times, I want to explain myself to you. I want to tell you everything"

You let out a soft sigh and looked at your fists that were placed on the cafe table. Your leg bounced up and down with anxiety.

He was indeed very important to you. You'd be a damn liar if you said otherwise. As much as you tried to do put on act - you were afraid of losing him.

You always were.

You cleared your throat
"Fine... speak up..." You looked away from him. Feeling upset with the whole situation. Maybe if you hadn't asked anything in the first place everything would've been normal? But still, you hated being left in the dark...

"So... there is... there are..." he seemed to he at a loss for words (but honestly, who can blame him? It's hard to explain about the whole jujutsu shit.)

"So in the world there is something called cursed spirits, created by the negative emotions of humans. The problem with these curses is that they kill people. I'm a teacher. I didn't lie about it, but I left out important details about the school."

Gojo paused for a moment to breathe again. That was a bad start and he knew it. but God. How are you supposed to explain this to a non-sorcerer??

Love again- gojo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now