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chapitre dix
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Isra gazed out of the window, taking in the unfolding Algerian afternoon. The sun was just beginning to rise over the distant hills, casting a radiant golden hue across the landscape. The air was saturated with the sweet fragrance of jasmine and cypress trees, and the distant chirping of birds provided a soothing soundtrack. However, despite the idyllic scenery, a lingering sense of unease tugged at Isra's spirit.

As the sun streamed through the window, it bathed the family gathered around the table in a warm, inviting light. Isra sat beside her parents, a subtle restlessness pulsing beneath her skin. She made an effort to conceal her excitement, mindful of not disrupting the delicate equilibrium of her family's daily routine.

Isra's father occupied a place at the table as well, his countenance marked by profound discontent. His once hearty appetite had dwindled to meager nibbles at his lunch. Isra's mother, always the peacemaker, endeavored to dispel the prevailing gloom with light-hearted conversation, her gentle voice akin to a morning breeze. However, her attempts seemed to go unnoticed, as the burden of her husband's disapproval weighed heavily on everyone present.

"Isra, my dear, did you have a restful night?" her mother inquired, her smile radiating warmth.

Isra's father shot a stern glance at her mother, but she couldn't help but reveal her excitement with a smile. "Yes, Mama, I had a very peaceful night," she replied, avoiding her father's gaze.

"I've been longing to eat here again. Haven't you, Tarek?" her mother asked, hoping to elicit a response.

Tarek merely grunted, sipping his coffee.

"Yesterday, Fatima mentioned a newly opened bakery in the Souk. It's all the rage. Perhaps we could visit sometime and sample their pastries."

Isra recognized that her mother was attempting to diffuse the tension, but Tarek remained unswayed.

"So, Isra, what do you have planned for the day?" her mother inquired with a cheerful tone.

She lifted her eyes from her plate, a smile spreading across her face. "I'm not entirely certain, Mama," she replied, aiming for a casual tone. "I don't have any specific plans at the moment."

She left out the plan she made with Haadi to meet at the Jardin d'Essai once he finished work at the office.

Her mother arched an eyebrow in surprise. "Really? I thought you might spend the day with your friends or even take a trip to the beach. The weather is absolutely delightful."

Throughout their lunch, her mother continued to engage Isra in conversation about her plans for the day, inquiring about her work and her circle of friends. Isra appreciated the diversion, as it helped alleviate the palpable tension at the table. Nevertheless, amidst the light banter, she couldn't help but experience a pang of sadness at her father's disapproval. She understood that he cared for her deeply, yet it pained her that he couldn't see how much happiness Haadi brought into her life.

As they concluded their meal, Isra excused herself from the table, eager to prepare for her day. She planted a tender kiss on her mother's cheek as she passed by and repeated the gesture with her father, then hurried upstairs to ready herself.

She drew a bath, sinking in the warm water as her thoughts drifted. Her mind wandered to Haadi and the memorable night they had shared, eliciting a smile from her. She used her favourite soap, thoroughly cleansing herself and erasing any lingering remnants of the previous night's intimacy. After completing her bath, she wrapped herself in a plush towel and made her way to her room to dress.

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