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Chapitre vignt-neuf
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"Must you go back today?"

"I'm afraid so. I was only given two days, both of which I spent here. I have to return to headquarters, or they'll grow suspicious of me. They'll remember how I chose to spend New Year's elsewhere and not with the other men."

Isra's eyes followed his form as he walked around the room, picking up his discarded clothes. Pale, tall, and athletic. She blushed when he whirled around and met her gaze.

"Who cares what they think," she grumbled quietly.

Hans dressed quickly, his actions fluid and almost automatic.

They stared at each other, two individuals from different worlds, connected by an inexplicable bond. "Isra," he began, his voice tender, "I wish I could stay. I wish I could be here with you and Sophie every day, but you know the risks. If I'm discovered, it won't just be my life at stake."

"I know. I don't want you to get into trouble because of us."

"I've already pushed my luck by staying this long. I'm sorry." He moved closer, cupping her face gently, and he leaned in to place a soft, lingering kiss on her lips.

"Just promise me one thing."

"What is it?"

"Promise me that you'll stay safe out there," she implored. "I don't want to hear that something's happened to you. We've already lost too much in this war."

"I'll be careful. I'll come back as soon as I can, alright?"

"Okay. But one more thing before you go..."

She had only ever performed such a gesture for Marcel, but she did it for Hans. It demanded a profound sense of comfort and trust, both of which she felt in the presence of the soldier. She observed the subtle transformation in his expression, his breath catching, and his fingers entwined in her hair.

When she stood up, her nude body fully revealed, he gently pulled her closer to stand between his legs, embracing her closely and resting his head against her breasts.

Hans whispered with longing, "You're a beautiful woman, Isra."

Isra couldn't help but blush, wishing that she had some of the alcohol-induced courage from the previous night. "I thought you were in a rush."

He tightened his embrace around her and looked into her eyes with a soft smile. "I am. But let me stay like this just for a moment longer, please."

She sighed and caressed his cheek. "Alright, but only for a moment. I don't want to get you in trouble."

Hans left soon after, leaving Isra and Sophie alone in the apartment. She cleaned up the mess they had made on New Year's night and made sure that the apartment was in order before going to the bathroom to freshen up for the day. The tailoring shop was closed for the holiday, so thankfully, she could stay in. After her night with Hans, she didn't particularly feel like interacting with other people.

She felt good, and she also felt dirty. It was difficult to fully grasp.

Today she would pen a letter to her mother in Algeria. She would leave out the details regarding Hans though. Samia still wasn't aware that Marcel was missing in action, and she knew that the news would cause her heartbreak. To spare her the pain, she often wrote hopeful letters to her, sending pictures of herself and Sophie, and recounting the milestones her daughter had reached.

That was New Years Day. January 1st, 1941.

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