Chapter 25 - Gilding your way into my heart

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I ignore the pain making it's way up my back as I walk to the kitchen for a glass of water. It's something I'm familiar with, but after sleeping on a real bed for months straight, it felt odd.

Atleast jisung was sleeping well.

The cold water runs down my throat as a chilll runs down my spine. Maybe it was because I was unfamiliar with the house, it was beautiful indeed, very homey, something my home lacked.

But I didn't know if it was haunted or some shit.

I whip my head around to a creak in the floorboards. To my surprise it was not some ghost ready to spring and kill me.

It was Han Jisung.

"Aish Han-ah" I put the glass down on the counter, "You wanna tell me why your up?" My voice comes out sounding like I'm his father of something.

"Hyung..." He rubs his eyes from under his glasses, "It's seven, I'm not used to waking up late." His softly yawns, making me put all my strength into not cooing at his cuteness.

"That's okay... Do you want eggs or waffles?" I ask, remembering his two favorite breakfasts.

"W-what? You don't have to make anything for me it's your break just relax-"

"It's your break too Hannie." I cut him off with a pitied look on my face, "I don't mind cooking okay? Now answer the question."



About an hour later, the Han household was fed and ready. That including Ms. Han as well, who had the same sparkling eyes as her son when she tried my food.

I guess liking Lee Minhos cooking runs in the family?

The lights from neighboring houses shined through the Hans windows. Something I had never expierence. Yes I've lived in busan my whole life, but I lived in a massive mansion where breaks would be spent sleeping, studying, or playing with my cats.

I never really got to enjoy the holidays. I didnt even know people hang up lights on their houses until I came to jisungs neighborhood. Everything is so... homey. Warm. It feels comfortable.

Maybe I was wrong about my easy old life.  This is so much better.

With a large smile on my face, I dry the dishes before putting them back into the small kitchen cabinets. The feeling in my heart was definitely strange. It was like it was shattered yesterday morning with what jisung said. But it's also jumping in joy with the idea of staying with the boy for the whole break.

I was feeling happy, but with 50 pound weights of confusion, sadness, and heartbreak on each shoulder.

"Oh you didn't have to do all this Minho honey." A warm voice sounds behind me, the smile returning to my face.

"It's the least I could do for letting me stay with you guys, Ms Han." I turn to the woman.

Maybe it was because I never really had a mom, but something about this woman made me feel so safe. Warm, like I mentioned before.

She reaches out a hand to pat my hair, "Are you ready to go honey?"

"I'm ready."


"Okay make sure you don't roll your ankle, keep the position of your feet in mind." Jisung ties the laces to his skates, giving me pointers at the same time.

"What do I do with my hands?" I make two loops and tie my own, the idea of ice skating making my stomach so nervous backflips.

But when I look up, the boys gone, already walking to the rink. I sigh before getting up to follow him.

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