Chapter 29 - Dads back with milk

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My eyes immediately widen at Minhos words as I whip my head in his direction. He stood frozen with his mouth slightly open, staring at the man with the bodyguards by his side.


He was Minhos dad?

I subconsciously scoot closer to the older as the man turns around to his voice. He had a greying beard but still looked very put together. Rich and powerful.

"Hm?" He squints at Minho before widening his eyes dramatically, the body guards beside him doing the same.


I can hear Minhos breath hitch. Something was wrong. Why wasn't he excited to see his dad? Why weren't they hugging like my mom and I would do? Why did Minho look scared?

Minhos dad clears his throat as if to put on his nice guys voice, "Wah son! I didn't think I'd see you here! Since when have you been in busan?"

Minho looks down at his hands, "The past week." He says simply.

Anybody could sense the shock Minhos dad felt. It was written all over his face. Maybe this was the first time Minho didn't tell him he was home?

"And you didn't come to visit? Who have you been staying with?" His voice becomes less cheerful slowly. A hint of scariness and venom in his words.

The cashier behind him sighs and pulls out her phone as she begins to scroll in boredom. She probably though this conversation was going to take a while and nobody would be checking out anytime soon.

I clear my throat, "Nice to meet you sir!" I deeply bow for a few seconds, "I'm Han Jisung, Minho's... friend. He's staying with me for the holidays."

The shock only increased on Minhos dads face, "I-is that so." He stares intensely at Minho, not even looking in my direction. "And you were his roommate too, am I correct?"

"I- uhm yes sir-"

"Minho can I have a word with you, outside?" The man's voice was loud and clear, you could almost hear it echo in your heart. He seemed to dominant anyone else voice in the store.

Minho immediately latches his hand on to my arm behind me, squeezing it as his breathing shallows. When I look up at him I begin to realize what was happening.

Minho was indeed scared.

He was scared of his father.

The gears in my head begin to turn. I remember that day when he came home with bruises. I remember it vividly. Someone did that to him. He had gone home and came back with bruises.


I quickly cut Minho off, moving my hand down to properly take a hold of his, "Actually sir we have to get home soon, my mother doesn't want us out after dark."

I put on my best smile as the man doesn't shift his gaze. A few moments of silence pass where he just stares into Minhos soul before he scoffs and turns around to walk out the store. The two bodyguards apologize to the cashier and rush after them.

As soon as the man was out of sight, I latch onto Minho. Bringing his shaking body to my shoulder and hugging him tightly. Rubbing his back gently as he melts into my touch.

"H-Hannie." He whispers as he buries his face into the crook of my neck. His breathing slowly becoming normal again.

"Shh it's okay we can talk about it later min."

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