Chapter 4 ~ Recruit

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Jack straightened out the poster as he placed it on the wall. Ash stood next to him, and Magnum stood behind, holding the rest of the posters. They were in the same area where Ash and Jack first found Magnum because of its proximity to the warehouse, as well as its population.

The poster came out as great as Ash had hoped. It had one red lightning bolt in the center; the top said, "Join The Flair Revolution," and the bottom had Ash's phone number. They opted to cut the sentence at the bottom to make it look nicer with just the number. If anyone called, they could explain things further then. If they seemed interested, Ash would be able to send them a pin of his location so they could have a proper meeting at the warehouse.

"Hey, you," said some man behind the guys as they were walking away, "This your poster?" He pointed at the poster Jack just put on the wall seconds ago. "Are you serious about this, or is it just a lame prank?"

"It's true," Ash said, "We need more supporters to make it a reality, but that's the goal."

"Cool. I don't have any powers, but I'd say it's about time someone cleaned up these streets," the man said confidently.

"We can use all the help we can get, if you're interested. I'm sure we could find something for you to do," Ash replied.

"Hmm," the man took a moment to think before speaking, "I'll look into it." The man took out his phone and snapped a photo of the poster before giving a thumbs up and saying, "Good luck!" with a smile.

The guys turned back around and continued down the street. Magnum said, "Look at that, someone already in support of us, though I'm not sure how often we'll get a response like that."

"Why not?" Ash asked Magnum, "It seems to me that everyone who isn't one themselves are sick of the miscreant Flair users in this city."

"'Cause it takes guts. Whether it's logical to think that they'd get hurt just by voicing their support in a revolution or not, some people still worry about that," said Magnum.

"Yeah, I guess so," Ash spoke, "And it takes even more guts to risk your life by joining."

"You're correct, but don't discount people's guts. I'm sure almost anyone with a Flair that isn't a criminal would join in a heartbeat. At least for Flair users, joining the revolution is no more a risk to their lives than just existing," Magnum said, "And hey, wouldn't you agree that Flair users being more likely to join than normal people is the best outcome? We can always find jobs for people without Flairs, but Flairs are where it counts."

"You're right, I would agree with that. It'd be nice to have some people to do these things like putting posters up that don't have Flairs so we can focus our Flair users elsewhere, but that isn't necessary. The job can always be done, even if we have to do it ourselves," said Ash.

Magnum and Ash quickly stopped as Jack turned around to take another poster from Magnum. He placed the poster on another wall a sufficient distance away from the last one. Half of the posters were white and the other half black, but they all had the same red writing on them.

"I think I prefer the black posters more," Ash said as Jack finished putting up the poster.

"Then you should've told me what kind to get before I bought them," Magnum complained.

"I mean, the red barely shows on these white ones," Ash pointed out. The trio continued walking down the street.

"Alright, I get it, black poster paper from now on. As strong as you think I am, I can't read minds," Magnum replied.

After stopping at a few more locations to put up posters, Ash received a call. He was surprised, because he never really got any calls, so could this be from someone seeing the poster?

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