Chapter 5 ~ Warehouse

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"So, are you basically moving into the warehouse, or what?" Jack asked Ellee as they walked.

"Move into the warehouse?" Ellee asked, "I hadn't actually thought about that. It doesn't seem very comfy though, does it?"

"I'm just asking since you mentioned how empty it was," Jack said.

"Hmm," Ellee replied, "That's not such a bad idea. Assuming you guys are actually focusing your energy on this thing."

"Of course we are!" Ash jumped in.

"Yeah, what he said," Jack added while Magnum nodded his head.

"Well, in that case, I guess I could," Ellee said. The group continued to walk while vaguely following Ellee wherever she had planned to go. Ash walked in front, but Ellee would tell him where to turn as they went.

Ash turned towards the group and continued to walk backwards. "What if whoever owns the warehouse comes back?" he asked.

"That shouldn't be a problem," Ellee responded, "Buildings that have been abandoned like that often sit there for a while before anything happens. Unless we're really unlucky, nobody should show up for any reason until we're big enough to scare them off."

"I don't want to scare anyone off," Ash said, "We're supposed to be the good guys."

"Morality and legality are different things," Ellee replied, "But if you're so adamant about it, we can deal with that later. I would say we could eventually just buy it or rent out some other place, but it doesn't seem like we have any income."

"I've got some money," Magnum spoke, "If it comes down to that, anyways."

"You sure, old man?" Ellee said while punching Magnum's shoulder.

"Cool it, kid," Magnum joked back, "Or I'll just buy my own warehouse and not let you in."

Ash turned around and kept walking forward but was quickly stopped when Ellee said, "Wait up, Ash. This is it." He turned around to see Ellee pointing at the building he was standing next to.

"I thought we were going to go buy supplies," Jack said.

"I've got most of what we need here," Ellee spoke while taking keys out of her pocket. She walked up the steps on the porch and unlocked the door. "Come on in." She gestured to the others, leaving the door open. Ash jumped ahead with Jack and Magnum behind him.

"So what do you need to bring back?" Magnum asked after closing the door behind him.

"All of it," Ellee said, "If I'm moving into the warehouse, that is."

"Okay," Magnum said hesitantly, "What do we start with, then?"

"Furniture," Ellee answered.

"Wouldn't it be easier to get movers for this?" Jack asked.

"This was your idea," Ellee pointed out, "And I'm not sure I can ask them to help move me into an abandoned warehouse. We've got two people that are way stronger than anyone else, they can handle it."

"You ready to work, Ash?" Magnum spoke.

"Ready as always!" he replied.

Magnum picked up the couch from the center of the room and moved it outside before coming back in. "You said you want it all gone, right?" Magnum made a gesture toward the fifty-five inch TV on the wall.

The other three were stunned by how easily he moved the couch, but Ellee quickly replied, "No. Well, yes, but you aren't taking that, I don't trust you not to break it."

"How are you going to move it without me?" Magnum asked in a light tone.

"I've got Ash here," Ellee said, "I trust him to be careful with my stuff. Right, Ash?"

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