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The next week, after gruelling work, we all agree to go to a bar together. So come Friday, we head out after work. Hotch's wife comes, and she seems lovely. Everyone else starts to chat ans socialize, but I haven't had the chance to climb down from the giant hill of work I've parked myself atop all week. I try to hunker down at the bar, texting Stéphane about the upcoming plan for Bastien's birthday now that we've sorted out Estelle's present. The activity at least feels more passive. Bastien is starting basic so we won't be meeting up, but we are trying to coordinate a gift with Caro.

Cletus still hasn't proposed, so we leave her out because she's a bit sour at the moment. I am counting my blessings that Stéphane has come up with some other plan that doesn't require her involvement. Texting him at least is better than attempting darts with JJ or listening to Dr. Reid impress a group of nerds with trivia at a nearby table.

Since I'm out with coworkers, I wasn't planning on drinking that much. At the bar though, I get a bit distracted, and the guy who has my card on tab keeps refilling my drink. Soon enough, I'm five drinks in.

Like magic, I get a call from Caro. In my intoxication, I pick up, slipping out to the front steps of the bar so I can hear her.

"Hello?" I ask, acutely aware that I'm slurring just a bit.

"Cole, he proposed! Cletus asked me to marry him!" she is shrieking into the phone so loud that I have to pull it away from my ear.

My reaction time is so slow. At least now I'm glad that I was drinking because I don't think I could bear this news sober. Cletus, my brother-in-law. Nothing could be more of a bummer tonight.

"Congrats!" I manage, my nose scrunching. I shrug off the sleeves of my cardigan, hoping that exposing my arms to the prickle of cold air will somehow counteract all the drinks. "Are you excited?"

"It's the best news ever!" she squeals. "I can't wait. Listen, I know you won't be able to fly out or drive up for the bridal shower, oe even the bachelorette party, but would you be one of my bridesmaids?"

I might puke, and not from the liquor, "of course, Caroline. Félicitations."

She squeals again, and I wince as I pull my phone away once more. She quickly decides to call Stéphane and then Bastien, and I agree. Weird that she called me first, but whatever. I doubt she's called Maman.

"We should be all set! I'll mark you down for a plus one, unless you'd rather I set you up with a friend?"

"I'm good," I shake my head in disbelief. "Talk to you later."

After one last squeal, she hangs up. I head back inside, expecting a text from Stéphane. They must talk for because he doesn't text me back. I decide to close my tab since I'm so intoxicated. I call a cab too, since I shouldn't be out with coworkers like this.

I'm saved anyway. A call for a case comes in. They all head back to the Hoover building together. I tell them I've already called a cab. This isn't going to be my case.

It isn't until I get home that I get a text from Stéphane. Then, I get another an hour later from Bastien. Seems like they were more interested than I am. Instead of worrying about it, I force myself asleep.

Most of the weekend is flat. I do chores. Estelle has a big part of her thesis she needs to complete, so I help her with translating some radio files into English. She'll credit me in her thesis, but I don't really care. We're speaking in French the whole weekend, because it's my turn to take care of her.

Come Monday, there is an email in my inbox from JJ explaining that they won't be back until further notice. I know it's bad when I check on Garcia near lunch, and I realize she isn't in her office. I don't remember her ever flying out, and I've nearly been working here for a little over three months now. God, it feels like so much longer. I try to keep my files and things together.

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