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Have you given any thought to the mysteries of our existence and the manner in which life began and evolved on this world?

What if there is an unseen entity responsible for the creation and existence of life, and is currently directing our destinies toward a future that we are unable to conceive in our limited capacity?

I have a tale to share, I hope you will indulge me

Allow me to impart you the world's history prior to the inception of the world of Ninjago

In ages past, before time had a name and the world was known, there arose a Goddess of immeasurable power

The primordial force that brought forth all life

The divine entity that bestowed upon the Dragons the elements, allowing them, the first among the living, to embody the forces of the world and to foster and nurture the good and fair

Yet in order to maintain the balance, the Goddess entrusted the Oni with the power of destruction, forming them as the first of the living beings of evil

Having found her creation lacking and the existing limited elements. The Goddess endeavored to create new beings, Creatures, which she entrusted with elements of both virtue and depravity, bestowing them with the capacity to choose their path to either goodness or evil

With the world forged in the name of balance, the Goddess observed, contented, as her creation coexisted in relative harmony


Unfortunately, it appears that the forces of evil have shown themselves to be too greedy and evil, and seek to disrupt the balance of the world created by the Goddess

The Goddess, possessed of an ineffable wisdom, envisioned the impending demise that was to befall the world

The delicate fragility of the harmony amongst the elements and beings shall be shattered in due time, marking a time of disharmony among them

Driven by her desire to preserve the balance of the world she created, the Goddess took a decisive step to ensure that harmony would not be disturbed, bringing into existence an individual who could serve as the world's salvific hero

The Goddess, with the clarity of purpose that was her signature, brought forth the being she believed to be the key to the preservation of harmony in the world she had crafted

The First Spinjitzu Master

The Goddess, perceiving the First Spinjitzu Master to be the embodiment of her hopes to maintain the delicate balance in the world, generously imbued and bestow him with the Golden Power and other elements in order to aid him in this noble endeavor

With time, the First Spinjitzu Master proved to have grown more formidable in his mastery of the Golden Power and other elements given to him by the Goddess

Through his diligent efforts and the blessings of her divination, he succeeded in forging the Four Weapons of Spinjitzu, the sheer power of which far exceeded his expectations

In the process of forging, the elements of each weapon blended, allowing their inherent properties to harmonize, resulting in the synthesis of a weapon possessing tremendous might and power

A Tiara possessing powers unparalleled, imbued with the might of Light and the vitality of Life

Aware of the potential destructive might the Tiara held and the possibility of its power being wielded by those with evil intent, the First Spinjitzu Master grew concerned, as he was aware that the weapon could cause the world to plunge into chaos when falling into the wrong hands

Seeing the potential harm the Tiara could bring to the world should it fall into the wrong hands. The Goddess chose to conceal the weapon personally, and the First Spinjitzu Master assented to this decision, in protecting the harmony of the world

To preserve the safety of the Tiara, and with great reluctance, the Goddess took the drastic step of erasing her own existence from the knowledge and memories of all the inhabitants and her people of the world, save for the First Spinjitzu Master, an individual whom she deemed worthy and capable of defending the weapon of spinjitzu and keeping her existence into secrecy

Having lost the guidance of the Goddess, the First Spinjitzu Master, now assuming the mantle of the guardian of balance and the protector of the land in her absence, embarked upon the solemn mission of restoring the harmony and order of the world once more

Having vanquished the malevolent Overlord, who sought to engulf the world in shadow, the First Spinjitzu Master, in recognition of their valor and strength, bestowed Elemental Powers upon a group of humans, tasking them with becoming his personal guardians and protectors of the peace and balance of the land they now knew as Ninjago

Aware that the Goddess and the most powerful weapon, the Tiara, posed immense dangers when their knowledge be revealed, the First Spinjitzu Master kept their existence a secret, entrusting them solely to his own memory, and not sharing any information about them with anyone else

Unfortunately, those who live in a land of Ninjago, the world that the First Spinjitzu Master has named and guided, grew unaware of the existence of their divine creator, the Goddess, who had brought them to life and imbued their world with the means to maintain harmony and balance

With the danger posed by the knowledge and possession of the powerful Tiara and its capacity to wreak havoc upon the world, the First Spinjitzu Master made the only responsible decision to keep the history involving the Goddess and her creation hidden, safe from those who would seek to exploit its overwhelming might for malicious intention

And with that, he disappeared

However at the goddess on the other hand, she was worried about the Tiara's future without a wielder to control its power

The Goddess sought to find a suitable candidate to hold and wield the weapon, allowing it to maintain its balance and prevent its destructive forces from uncontrollable power

The fate of the world then rested upon the success of the Goddess's search for a soul worthy and capable enough to bear the powerful burden

And what if the Goddess were to bestow a power upon the new wielder of the Tiara that could never be replicated or harnessed in that world?

Would it be a gift of strength and protection, a testament to the Goddess's unwavering faith and trust in this individual, or could it prove to be too great a power for a mere mortal to wield, risking the world falling into chaos once more?

Will the wielder of the Tiara, empowered by the blessing of the Goddess, act as a noble protector of Ninjago, wielding their immense powers for the greater good?

Or, will they succumb to the temptation of power and join the ranks of evil, unleashing untold destruction and unbalancing the world?

Or perhaps, will they become a mediator between the two forces of good and evil, maintaining the precarious harmony that the Goddess sought to uphold?

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