Chapter 1

810 27 5

A ball of soul

It shone a bright illumination similar to a small sun with harmless warmth that brought comfort

The ball is seen being held in porcelain palms similar to a snow

The person is a women

A transparent figure with her whole body beaming like a full moon in the darkest night. It is reassuring and gentle, like how light guides those who are lost

It's hard to identify her appearance since a white long veil was hiding her face, with the piece of soft fabric reaching her waist

However, anyone can intuition that she is breathtaking

The soul who seems to be astonished at the sight of the unknown individual, can only stare in amazement while the stoic woman smiled in amusement

They are surrounded by the sky that meets the sea. No area are found close at both individuals

The clouds large and soft were passing slowly with ripples from invisible water drop falling on the surface of the sea

The sea is empty, there are no living seen and only the reflection of the blue sky filled with the grace of clouds

The women were hovering above the surface of the sea. Her white flowing dress floating above her barefoot, avoiding the touch of water

She is surrounded by colorful energy that came from the surrounding, as if she is the source of life itself

The woman tilted her head to the side, as if inspecting the ball of soul on her palms

"It is of great interest to me that you possess such intriguing qualities and characteristics. Would it be possible for you to be the ideal companion and confidant I require?"

The woman spoke, her voice soft like feathers yet strong like the wave in the ocean. Her voice echoes the place causing the water below her feet to create small ripples of acknowledgement

The ball of soul is silent, as it stared directly into the woman, unable to answer from the discovery. The woman smiles once again in amusement as if she understands the silence

"I am deeply saddened to inform you of your untimely demise. Nonetheless, I am eternally grateful for the kind and noble sacrifice you have made for the preservation of a life by saving that helpless black cat from oncoming danger. The ultimate sacrifice you made will not be in vain, as it has displayed your unwavering spirit and selflessness to the world."

The ball of soul was still silent, however this time they are bouncing on the palm of the woman, seemingly in disbelief

"The unfortunate suddenness of your passing is beyond words, and my utmost shock and sorrow are apparent at the abrupt change in your destined future. I am struggling to come to terms with the reality of your untimely death, and I can only hope that the knowledge of your noble sacrifice in saving another's life brings comfort to both you and myself."

The ball of soul slumped into the palms of the woman which caused her to grin behind her veil at the soul's reaction

"However. In light of your heroic and selflessness in saving the life of a dear friend, I have decided to grant you a second opportunity at life. The act of kindness you've displayed deserves recognition, and therefore, I hereby bestow upon you the gift of life once more. May you use this chance wisely, and continue to spread the seeds of compassion and empathy throughout your journey."

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