Chapter 4

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Author ∆: Yeahhh another chapter y'all. Enjoy reading, and please tell me your opinion about this chapter. Also! Imagine above is not mine, bit it's Jay's reaction when he saw Irene

"H" - Talking

E - Thoughts/Thinking

"L" - Shouting

"L" - Whispers

[O] - Telepathy

H - Author speaking

I - Chapter Title/Change point of view

C3 - A brother's concern

Jay POV✷

It's been hours since Irene went for a walk around the junkyard, I'm starting to grow worried. Irene isn't the type to just walk for hours, it took her about 10 minutes or longer

I stared at the blueprint on my hands, it's something I've been wanting to build for Irene for years now. A motorbike. I know it's dangerous for anyone to ride on a motorbike but I want to make my younger sister happy. She was always there when I needed her, she never dislikes anything about me, she doesn't care about my insecurities and my clumsiness, she sees me as who I am. I want to return the favor by building her a motorbike, she has been talking about wanting to ride it since we were kids

"Jay, it's almost night time, can you please look for Irene?" Mom asked as she went towards me while looking at the watch that is on her wrist, her face showing her concern for Irene too

"Sure mom. She might have fallen asleep somewhere" I said jokingly trying to reassure her which worked when I saw her smiling

"Of course, Irene likes to sleep" Mom said as she chuckled lightly, I laughed softly at the thought

I don't know why sleeping is so good for Irene but I am glad she sleeps, I don't know what she is doing in her room but I can see that it is something that made her exhausted, both physically and mentally, and sleeping helps her gained her energy back

When Mom went inside, mumbling about cooking dinner, I put my blueprint on my pocket and went to look for Irene

I called her name everywhere, growing more worried when I didn't receive a response, especially when the sun is setting down. I'm starting to panic

What if something happens to Irene?! What if she got kidnapped?! What if she got into a accident?! What if-

My thoughts were cut short when I saw a silhouette leaning against a broken down car's door. Her brunette hair was glowing slightly with the ginger end glowing bright from the setting sun's light, she wears a creamy white large hoodie, black and white skirt that reaches below her knee and a black slipper

Her head was leaning into the air seemingly exhausted with the shadows from her curtain bangs hiding her face. Its Irene

"Irene!" I called running towards her, feeling a bit relieve

Irene lifted her head, the shadows disappearing showing her face with her glowing grey eyes. I felt my whole body being poured by cold water as I saw her crestfallen expression

"Irene! Irene!" I shouted in panic as I ran faster

The bright glowing eyes I've always admired is gone and is replaced by emptiness. The usual genuine smile she always wore even in tough situation is gone. Her healthy light tan face is pale. The calm air around her is emitting such heartbreaking emotion. She looks so broken as if the world is against her

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