Chapter Twenty

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Kali was on her feet even as her sister growled.

She wasn't surprised when Carter and Samson flanked her, the two males showing their teeth and Carter drawing himself up to full height, using his status as a Beta to try and force Chloe and the others to back down. Kali knew it wouldn't work. Her sister wouldn't realize the danger she was in. The danger she was leading her friends into. There were seven, no, eight, opposing wolves and Kali knew that in a fight, no matter how big Carter was or how fiercely Samson fought, they'd be outmatched.

There was only one choice.

She threw her head back and howled even as she finally opened up the bonds she shared with her mates.

She felt the immediate flood of shock, relief and joy, none of it her own, but pushed it down as she focused on her still advancing sister. She just needed her mates to use the bond to find them, to bring more of the pack, but she was starting to think there wasn't time for that.

Chloe growled deeply and bared her fangs, tail lifting, her stance firm and it made Kali growl in response.

Her sister was not above her.

Not here. Not on Lawton land.

Here she was not the submissive little she-wolf she'd grown up as.

Here she was not Chloe's victim.

Here she was an Alpha Mate.

Here she was a true she-wolf.

And she was not backing down from her sister.

Not now. Not ever again.

Instead she took Chloe by surprise and met her bitch of a sister head on.

They came together in a clash of fangs and claws, snarls and growls and savage rumbles filling the air even as, around them, their allies watched, stunned, at least until one of Chloe's group decided to try and join the fight and Samson leapt in to stop him. After that things went to hell in a hand basket. But as concerned for her friends as Kali was she never took her attention from Chloe. She knew if she did then she'd be dead. Chloe wasn't playing this time. This time her sister meant to kill.

Again and again the two she-wolves came together.

Biting, clawing and snarling.

Chloe kept trying to go low, to sink her teeth into Kali's belly, but weeks of roughhousing with Samson had taught Kali new tricks and she used them. Feinting left and then striking from the right. Chloe countered rather well and Kali knew she had to find some way of turning the fight in her favour before anything happened to her friends.

And then the idea came to her.

She could hear the rush of the water, feel the rocks beneath her paws and knew what to do.

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