Chapter Five

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There was nothing in the world that felt as freeing to Kali as when she ran in her wolf form.

The wind over her fur.

The earth beneath her paws.

The scents and sounds all amplified

The world became different all while staying the same.

Leaping over a fallen log she yipped happily, running faster and faster. She pushed herself until her muscles ached and even then she kept running. This was freedom. True freedom. Better than any of her favourite books. Better than hot chocolate on a cold winter day. Better, even, than the dream of leaving her pack to find one that was more accepting of her nature.

Dashing through the underbrush she caught the scent of a nearby rabbit.

Turning on a dime, she easily located the little creature, not surprised when it bolted. She yipped and gave chase. She didn't intend to harm it. She might be a wolf but she wasn't that much of a predator. When she got close enough to the rabbit she bumped it with her nose before letting it run off. A laugh bubbled up from her chest, though in wolf form it was more of a chuffing sound, before she slowed her pace, coming easily to a stop.

Panting for breath she looked around to get her bearings.

She was in the northern part of the forest. She could hear CherokeeFalls and see the rock terrain that led up to the foot of the mountains. Lifting her head, muzzle pointing towards the sky, she scented the air, searching for signs of other wolves. Pack and otherwise. When she found nothing, just the faintest marking scent, she knew she was still a good distance from the boundary line.

Taking a moment to stretch, letting her muscles settle back into place after her brisk run, she turned and walked through the forest towards the waterfall. She'd get a quick drink and then take another run before circling back to this area. If she stayed in and around this area she would be just fine. It was far enough north that none of the pack would come looking for her but not so far as to run the risk of crossing the boundary line into Lawton Pack territory.

Reaching the stream she scented the air again, though with the rushing water it was nearly impossible to tell who or what was nearby, though she managed to determine that she was alone. With a soft huff she bent her head and began lapping at the cool water, ears twitching slightly, listening for any sort of movement. She might have felt safe, and there might be a good chance that no one else would venture this far north, but when it came to her sister things were never completely certain.

Chloe had proven before just how far she would push the line if it meant humiliating Kali.

Once her thirst was quenched and her muscles no longer screamed in protest at the simplest movement, Kali turned away from the water, about to head off for another run, only to go still as stone when a twig snapped a few feet in front of her. Fear crawled down her spine. Had Chloe followed her? Was she about to experience yet another public humiliation? She wanted to run, to avoid any sort of confrontation with her sister and her flunky friends, but her fear kept her rooted to the spot, watching as the bushes rustled and then parted.

Her heart leapt into her throat and the blood in her veins ran cold as ice.

The wolf that stepped from the underbrush was most certainly not her sister.

Nor was it any member of her pack.

The wolf, a male, was massive. Bigger even than Deucalion. With thick fur the color of a starless night sky. A low growl bubbled up from the male as he drew himself to full height, making himself even larger, his tail lifting and hackles peeling back in a display of dominance that was completely unmistakable. And even if it had been, she could feel his rank even from the distance that separating them.

Alpha, her mind whispered, the fear now accompanied by the instinct to submit. But this was not Deucalion. This was not her Alpha.

She forced herself to move, to lower herself just enough to show submission, hoping it might buy her time, stepping back carefully at the same time. What on earth was an Alpha doing on Henson Pack territory? It didn't make any sense. She'd smelled the boundary line. And it...her heart leapt again, pounding against her ribs. The boundary line was behind her. It had to be. She must have passed it while running and not even realized. Which meant the strange Alpha was not on Henson Pack territory. She was in territory belonging to the Lawton Pack.

She made a soft sound and started to slowly step back, keeping her tail tucked to her belly and ears flattened in signs of submission, silently praying the Alpha showed mercy and let her leave as a warning to the others of her pack.

She froze again, however, when a second wolf, also a male, emerged from the bushes. Not as large as the Alpha, more lean and shaggy, with grey fur splotched with brown. She watched the newcomer stepped up beside the Alpha, standing at the black wolf's shoulder. The newcomer's position was lowered but not like Kali's was. The grey-brown wolf was a Beta. And from the looks of it a Lead Beta. Second only to the Alpha.

Not good, she thought frantically while trying to figure out how to get away from the two. If she could run, make it back over the boundary line, she would be safe. Hopefully. The Lawton Alpha wouldn't give chase if she entered her own pack territory. He'd let her go. Though the odds of actually getting away were now slim. Oh, this is so not good!

When the Beta looked at his Alpha, the large black wolf huffed, teeth still barred and then snarled. His intent was clear. The Beta started to look at her, body tense and ready for a fight, and that was all the warning she needed.

With a low whine she bolted to her right.

She heard the Beta snarl and the Alpha howl and silently prayed the massive wolf wasn't calling for reinforcements. One or two wolves she might be able to outrun but if the pack, or even a small group of Betas, showed up she was done. They'd kill her as a rogue. And that was if the Alpha and Lead Beta, who were chasing after her, didn't get to her first. She ran with all her might, pushing her body to its limits, all while listening as the wolves behind managed to keep pace with her, though they didn't seem able to over take her. She might just have a chance after all. Provided that she could stay ahead of them.

Darting through the trees and underbrush, Kali did her best to lose the Alpha and Beta, all while attempting to double back in order to get across the boundary line. She was running out of time. She had to do something. Had to get more distance between her and her pursuers. Leaping over a fallen tree she glanced around quickly, trying to gauge which direction would be best. She had just dashed around a massive oak when the leaves and dead plant life beneath her paws unexpectedly shifted, revealing a steep incline in which she was now perched precariously at the top of.

Her balance went out the window the moment the ground beneath her paws was no longer somewhat even. She yelped as she was pitched sideways, rolling down the hill like a doll tossed from a child's hand. Reaching the bottom she landed on her side, effectively knocking the wind out of herself. She whined loudly with what little air was left in her lungs and tried to scramble to her feet, survival instinct pushing her to get up, to keep running. Not just lay there like a defeated dog.

But by the time she managed to draw a lungful of air it was too late.

The Beta was on her.


Despite being smaller than his Alpha, the Beta was still much larger than she was, and he easily pinned her beneath his bulk, jaws closing firmly around the scruff of her neck, ready to kill her at his Alpha's command.

The Alpha, Kali quickly discovered, had easily made his way down the incline and was now standing, staring down at her. She whined softly, body going lax beneath the Beta, everything in her submitting immediately in the hopes that the Lawton Alpha might show mercy and allow her to live. She looked up at him, eyes pleading and fearful, only to go as ridged as a board when her gaze met with the ice blue eyes of the black wolf. She was suddenly warm, much warmer than she should be and it had nothing to do with the Beta pinning her.

A tingling sensation spread throughout her entire body and something, some little cog in her mind and soul, suddenly seemed to click into place. She could tell the Alpha felt something similar because he suddenly stopped growling and his eyes, which reminded her of a frozen tundra under a full moon, filled with surprise.

She made another low sound, something between a whine and a purr, all while her tail softly thumped the ground. Her gaze never leaving the Alpha's face. A single word filtered through the haze of happiness that had descended into her mind. A single word that held more weight and power than any other.


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