Chapter Nine

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A short while later found Kali dozing on the couch with Kay.

They'd spent the time talking, getting to know one another a little bit better.

She learned that Kay had been born to a pack in Ireland but at the tender age of sixteen he met Thornton who had mated him shortly after and he'd moved to a little town just north of London to be with the Alpha. She also learned the reason for the Lawton Pack's sudden upheaval and relocation from the United Kingdom to America.


Humans who knew about their kind and had decided, centuries ago, that they were abominations that needed to be eradicated like vermin.

Listening to Kay explain about how the attack, so sudden and unexpected, had wiped out nearly half the pack, Kali had hugged him tightly and nuzzled his neck comfortingly, all while tears burned her eyes. She could have easily lost him, lost Thornton, before ever finding them. All because a group of humans thought they shouldn't exist. She hugged him even now, not wanting to let go almost as though she was afraid if she let go he would disappear.

Sensing her upset, Kay had kissed her temple and nuzzled her hair, hugging her close and telling her that it was okay. That the Hunters couldn't possibly track them here, the Council had made certain of it, and that everything would be alright. It had helped a little but she couldn't help worry. Hunters were not known for giving up easily. Especially not when wolves had escaped their grasp. But Kay was right. The odds of the pack being found again were slim. Especially if the Council had taken precautions.

Kay must have known the topic of conversation bothered her because he quickly asked about her. About her life.

There wasn't much to tell.

She explained about growing up in Henson, leaving out how her entire pack, save for a few, treated her like an outsider. She talked about college, about the degree she was studying for and working at the bookshop. She talked about Amy, and the trouble they got up to when they'd been little, laughing with him the whole while. When he asked how she felt about leaving home, leaving her old pack, she just shrugged and said it would be okay. That she found her mates and that that was what mattered.

Now they were snuggled together, Kay laying on his back with Kali sprawled over him, her head cushioned on his chest with one of his hands resting on her back while the other played with her hair. She smiled and rubbed her cheek against his chest as she closed her eyes, reaching up to toy with some of his curls, wrapping them lightly, gently, around her fingers, making him smile even as his eyes slipped shut.

She listened to the sound of his heartbeat, listened to the steady, gentle rhythm and let everything sink in. Truly sink in.

If she was truly honest with herself she was a little afraid.

A new chapter of her life was unfolding and she had no idea what was going to happen. She also had no idea how her family, how her pack, was going to react to the news of her mating. Would they be happy? Would they even care? It was enough to give her a headache just worrying about it. She opened her eyes and glanced across the room at the clock. Nearly noon now. Had anyone noticed her absence? Had her parents begun to worry yet? Sighing softly she decided that right now it didn't matter. She'd deal with all of that when she had to.

Turning her head a bit she stretched upwards and pressed a soft kiss to Kay's jaw, his stubble scratchy and odd against her lips, but she found she rather liked it. It was nice and the faint dusting of dark stubble suited her Beta. Made him look rugged and handsome. Though she suspected that he would be just as handsome clean shaven. When he unexpectedly tipped his head, kissing her lips all without opening his eyes she let out a startled squeak, which made his smile widen as his eyes opened just a tiny bit.

"You're so pretty when you blush," he whispered, reaching up to cup her cheek, his thumb brushing over the skin just below her eye, and she felt her cheeks heat up even more, the blush spreading. "Fucking gorgeous."

"She is, isn't she?"

Kali startled at the voice, even though she immediately recognized it as Thornton's. She felt Kay's arms tighten around her, the hand still on her back rubbed calming circles.

"I'm sorry, love," Thornton said as Kali looked towards him, finding him standing just a few feet away. "I didn't mean to scare you."

"You...You didn't..." Kali shook her head as Thornton walked over, kneeling beside the couch, hand lifting to run through her hair.

"It's alright, love," he all but cooed, leaning in to nuzzle at her neck, pressing kisses as soft as a butterfly's wing over the skin. She made a soft sound, relaxing and trying to press closer to Thornton without abandoning her place atop Kay. She heard her Beta mate chuckle, his hands sliding to her hips to steady her, all while Thornton moved, climbing up on the couch behind her, straddling Kay's legs.

Kali turned her head the moment Thornton's hands curled around her sides, fingers spread wide over her ribs, pushing back against his chest, instinctively seeking contact with her mate. When he kissed her cheek she whined softly, a demanding sound even though she wasn't really certain what she was demanding. Thankfully Thornton seemed to know because he pressed another kiss to her cheek before claiming her lips in a passionate, dominating kiss.

She was panting heavily when they broke apart, the world around her narrowing down to nothing but her and her mates. She whined again, another demanding sound, Kay's hands tightened in response and Thornton rumbled, nuzzling at her neck again.

"I suggest," the Alpha rumbled, his words deep and his accent thick, making Kali shiver and press closer to him. "That we take this to the bedroom."

"An excellent idea," Kay responded as one of his hands glided up from Kali's hips to rest over Thornton's. Kali could somehow feel the heat of both and she squirmed with want. "What do you say, mate?"

Kali couldn't seem to find her words but she did nod vigorously, which made Kay grin and Thornton chuckle. The next thing she knew Thornton was standing and swinging her up into his arms. She let out a surprised cry, arms flying around his neck as he carried her, bridal style, towards the stairs. Pressing her face into his neck she heard Kay laughing as he followed after them. Bad, bad mates, she thought before nipping playfully at Thornton's neck, enjoying the way he groaned and held her closer.

She smiled and decided that, right now, she'd worry about her family and whatever their issues over her mating might be later. Right now was about her and her mates.

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