
295 13 0

October 29th 2014


I was waiting in the airport for Mel, checking my phone every so often.

"Rey!" My head snapped up as I heard my best friends voice.

"Mel!" I ran up to her, hugging her tightly, "Dios mio, I missed you!" [Oh my god]

"I missed you too!" I rolled my eyes as she ruffled my hair.

"I still can't believe you practically came here last minute."

"What can i say? You are my best friend. Now, can we get back to yours, because i really feel like showering after that flight."

I laughed, "Yep, c'mon then."


I sat in my room whilst Amelia showered, scrolling through my Instagram feed. There were mainly cat posts (as well as many posts of Taylor that I struggled to avoid).

As my cat, Bean, jumped onto my lap, i placed my phone down to give her some affection.

"Hola gatito" I smiled, petting her as she began to purr, "Eres muy bonita" [Hello kitty. You're very pretty]

I smiled to myself as Amelia came out of the bathroom, wearing a pair of dungarees.

"Hot gardener look, i like it" I joked.

"Oh shush. You're the one who was just talking to their cat."

"Don't you dare bring Bean into this! She did nothing to you!"

"Sorry love, but I 'ain't falling for that innocent look, I'm convinced she wants to claw my eyes out!"

"She'd never!" I looked to the cat in my lap, using a baby voice as i spoke, "You wouldn't do that, would you? You're too cute for that!"

"Just you wait, i bet she's secretly the devil."

I rolled my eyes, "God, Mel, You're so dramatic."

She shrugged, laying next to me, "Just saying"

"You're lucky I love you."

"Awww, you love me?"

"Dios mio, Te odio." [Oh my god, I hate you.]

"I may have no clue what you just said, but it didn't sound very nice!"

I rolled my eyes at her, "If I have to kiss you to shut you up, I will."

She fake gagged before bursting out laughing.

I sighed, getting up as Bean jumped off of me,
"I need a drink."

"Not alcohol I hope!" I heard Amelia call after me.

"No! I'm making myself some tea, calm down!"

"Could you bring me some please?"

"Yep!" I got out two mugs before puting the kettle on.

"You got anything you want to do today?"

"Do you just wanna watch some crappy movies? I'm not really in the mood to go out."

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