
262 10 7

November 1st 2014


I sat awkwardly in the back of the car. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't anxious. I was. I was really anxious. But I couldn't let Taylor know that.

Her security was slightly intimidating, and they probably knew that. It didn't take too long to get to Taylor's though.

I thanked the security as he opened the door for me and led me inside. The inside was actually really nice. However, I almost froze when I saw the blonde sat on her couch. This was the first time I'd seen her in three years.

Taylor looked up. Fuck. I'd forgotten how enchanting her eyes were. I couldn't help but notice a slight look of shock on her face before she spoke.

"Thank you, Sam, you can take a break for a while, me and Niahm will be talking for a while I assume." The blonde smiled.

Sam nodded and left us alone. I felt slightly awkward, but Taylor seemed to be even more anxious than I was. I walked towards her, sitting on the couch, leaving a good amount of space between us.

"How have you been?" I asked. I hate small talk, so does she, but i didn't know what else to say. It had been three years.

"I've been alright! What about you?" She smiled. God, her stupidly cute smile.

"I've been good" I smiled back, running my hands through my hair, "you've done pretty well for yourself recently, is it how you dreamed it'd be?"

"Definitely not" She laughed slightly, "I think me back in 2006 would be incredibly shocked. But despite all the great stuff there's obviously the downsides, you know?"

"Makes sense" I nodded, "I'd be lying if I said I hadn't seen some news article talking about some irrelevant shit to do with your life"

"I've seen basically all of them, believe me" She sighed, "Can't have any kind of relationship without people speculating"

"That would definitely get annoying very quickly, I don't know how you deal with it"

"I try to ignore it as much as I can" She paused for a moment before changing the subject, "How's work been for you?"

"It's been alright. A little difficult, I don't have much help, but it's alright." I crossed my legs, "Speaking of that, you want me to make the outfits for your next tour?"

Taylor's face went slightly red, "Uh.. Yeah"

"Have you got any ideas of how you want them to look?"

"Yeah actually-"

She was interrupted by the sound of my phone going off.

"Sorry, do you mind if I answer?" I looked up at Taylor.

She just smiled, "I don't mind"

I mouthed a 'thank you' as I answered the call, "Hola mamá!"

"Hola mija! ¿Cómo estás?" I could basically hear the smile in her voice. ['Hello my child! How are you?']

"Estoy bien! ¿Y tú?" ['I'm good! And you?']

"También buena! ¿Sigues viniendo esta tarde?" ['Also good! Are you still coming over this afternoon?']

"Sí! Llegaré cuando pueda, mamá, te lo prometo" ['I'll get there when I can mama, I promise']

"¡Bien! ¡Nos vemos más tarde! ¡Te amo!" ['Okay! I'll see you later! I love you!']

"¡Yo también te amo mamá!" ['I love you too mama!]
I smiled as she hung up and I looked back up at Taylor, "Sorry again"

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