
201 11 0

November 2nd 2014


I checked my phone again, my heart racing in my chest. I knew I shouldn't have gotten up this early, because now I was impatiently waiting for a message from Niahm.

I still couldn't understand why she'd taken the job. She could've slapped my in the face yesterday and I wouldn't have blamed them. But now I have go see them again today. I hope it's not as awkward as it has been yesterday. I could tell she hated the small talk. So did I.

Sometimes I wish it could be how it was before, but I doubt that would ever happen. I know I messed up, and if I was being completely honest with myself, I'd do anything to fix it. I regret that day more than anything.

I almost instantly picked up my phone when it went off. It was Niahm.

'Come over whenever you're ready. I just got home.'

I quickly typed out a response, and sent it. I made sure to get something small to eat before leaving to find Sam.



As soon as I got home, I put out some food for Bean, before heading upstairs into the attic space I'd turned into a little studio. I hadn't been up here for a while, the last dress I'd been making was still unfinished and on the mannequin. There was fabric and string all over the floor. This was totally gonna be fun to clear up. I put on some music and started cleaning up. Maybe I'd finish that dress someday, but not today.

Everything got cleared up relatively quickly, so I sent a message to Taylor, letting her know she could come over whenever.

I sat at the desk, organising my sketches when one of them caught my eye. I'd made it back in 2010, when Taylor had released Speak Now. Although, I had never started making it. Despite this, the sketch looked beautiful. I wish I had gotten to make it. It definitely would've looked amazing on Taylor.

And with that thought I quickly put the sketches off to the side before heading down to the living room. I didn't need to think about that again.

Almost as soon as I got downstairs I heard a knock on the door. Great. I took a deep breath, mentally preparing for the next few hours, before opening the door.

"Hey Taylor" I smiled slightly.

Taylor shifted uncomfortably,
"Hi V- Niahm!"

I could've sworn I felt my heart flip at that slip up. But I wasn't about to let her know that.

"Come in!" I forced a slight smile, "Do you want a drink or anything before we go upstairs?"

"No thank you, I'm alright." I nodded as she placed her shoes by the door before she followed me upstairs.

"Last night I started a couple of sketches from what you said yesterday. So we can go over those." I explained as I held the studio door open for her.

She thanked me and looked around in awe, "This is so cool! I remember you'd always talk about wanting a little space like this!"

I felt my body stiffen, "Oh. Uh.. Yeah.."

I quickly noticed that the unfinished dress on the mannequin had caught her eye.

She pointed at the dress, "What's that for?"

I shrugged, "Just a personal project."

"I love it! It's so sparkly!"

Well that certainly hasn't changed about her. She's always loved sparkly things.

"Maybe I can make another? For the tour?" I suggested.

"Really?" A smile spread across her face, "Thank you!"

"Of course." I shrugged, placing my glasses on top of my head, "I'll need to take your measurements first though."



Was it dumb that I was trying not to breathe right now? Definitely. But could you blame me? The way Niahm's hands grazed my skin left a tingling sensation. It wasn't a new feeling. Although part of me still didn't want to admit that.

"Taylor?" Niahm dragged me from my thoughts.

"Hm? Sorry." I felt the heat rush to my cheeks. I really needed to pull myself together.

"It's alright." She raised an eyebrow slightly, "Wanna go over the sketches and ideas now?"

"Mhm!" I smiled slightly,sitting next to her at the desk.

Niahm pulled out a few pages of sketches, all based on the ideas I'd told her yesterday.

"These are great" I looked over all of them, smiling.

"They're only quick sketches. Let me know it there's anything you want to add or remove. You're the boss." She shrugged.

I nodded, continuing to look over all of them.

"This one," I pointed at one of the designs, "Maybe we could do different colour variants of them?"

She nodded, quickly opening a notebook to the side and scribbling down the idea.

"I was also thinking maybe something leather, like a full bodysuit with some cuts in the side?"

She nodded, "We can definitely do that."

I smiled, "Also maybe the skirt with this one," I pointed at another design, "We could do a few different colours for that"

"Sounds good. You're really testing my abilities, Swift." She laughed slightly.

Fucking hell her laugh. The combination of that and the way she said my last name caused my heart to race.

"Well, Reyes. I hope you're good at your job." I shot back.

She raised an eyebrow. Did everything she do have to be this attractive?

"Don't push your luck, Swift."

Point proven.

Once again blood rushed to my cheeks, and I knew it was obvious.

"Do you know how long it'll take to make everything? Obviously I don't plan on touring until next year, but I'm curious." I tilted my head slightly.

"Can never be completely sure, there's a lot of things it depends on. But I can assure you they'll all be done in time." She placed her notebook back in the corner of her desk as she answered.

"Thank you Niahm. You know this means a lot to me."

She nodded, "I know"

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