Chapter Four

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Nick laid in his bed stewing in anger. His new costar hated him and didn't even know him. He really had tried to be nice but it seemed Charlie had already made up his mind about Nick and wasn't planning to budge on it. Nick's reputation had preceded him and it felt like nothing in the world could convince this boy that Nick wasn't a heap of garbage in the summertime. 

He sighed and sat up, trying not to cry. Nellie whined in his lap, looking up at him sadly. Nick hugged her tight and cried into her fur. "He doesn't even know me Nell, no one GETS IT." The only things Nick could feel right now were sadness and pure anger. 

Not really knowing what else to do, Nick picked up his phone and hit a contact.



"Nicky, baby, are you crying? What's happened?" 

"Can you come over please?"

Sarah got to Nick's house in 10 minutes. 

"Oh, baby, what's happened?" Sarah asked, taking her son in her arms. 

"He hates me, Mom, he hates me already." Nick sobbed into her shoulder. Sarah tried to comfort her son and sat him on the couch and listened while he recounted the whole interaction, despite it being so small, she could see that it deeply impacted her son how bad his reputation had gotten, even if none of it was true. 

She held her son tight until sobs subsided to sniffles. "Oh, deary, you'll be okay. It's only a few months then you can forget about him being nasty entirely. It sounds to me like you tried to start off on the right foot. Sometimes people only see what they have heard and it's hard to get their opinion to change." she soothed. 

Nick sniffed, "I just don't know how I can do this movie. It literally makes zero sense to even try."

Sarah looked at him with sad eyes, "Oh baby, I know. Promise me you'll try? Maybe he'll warm up. He's probably just as nervous as you. And if he doesn't get any nicer then you don't owe him any kindness either." Nick knew his mom was right but it still hurt. 

"I promise." Sarah nodded and hugged her boy.


Today was the off-script chemistry read and Charlie wasn't happy. He had gotten a thorough and LOUD lecture from Darcy about him being  a jerk to Nick and has promised to be nice today, even if it was just to shut her up. 

Elle cleared her throat loudly, "ALRIGHT! Charlie, Nick, please stand in front of the gate. Closer, a bit closer. Good. Alright, Nick from the top, go."

Nick looked at Charlie and placed his hands on his lower jaw, "I love you. You, Joseph. Angela is just... a convenience. I need you, only you." Charlie brought fake tears to his eyes, "I love you too, Sebastian. So much." Nick brought Charlie's face to his and almost kissed him before Elle yelled to cut. As soon as the word was out, Charlie pulled himself from Nick's grasp. 

Nick stared after him, hurt and angry. He was over Charlie's piss poor attitude. He could hate Nick all he wanted but he wasn't allowed to treat a stranger like this for no other reason than assumptions he had made based on press. What his mom had told him was true, but he couldn't just let this slide. 

As Charlie was walking out, Nick grabbed his arm and dragged him into a supply closet. 

"Hey! Dude what the hell-"

Slamming the door, Nick started in on him. "Shut up. Seriously, what the fuck is your problem?" 

"I don't like you, clearly!" Charlie snapped. 

"Really? I couldn't tell. Why not, then?" 

Charlie scoffed, "You're a jerk! You leave these poor women heartbroken only to have another one night stand in another country the next night, not to mention you spat on your fans."

"None of that is true. I would think as an actor of all people you'd get that the media lies. All of that is a lie. You know nothing about me, at all and you've just been a douche. We haven't actually even gotten to know each other at all, and I tried to be nice! I don't care how little we've spoken, that ends now, and I'm not letting you leave until we actually TALK." Nick yelled. 

Charlie tried to shove by Nick to the door but the effort was futile as Nick was taller and stronger. He sighed, "Fine. If it will get me out of here quicker." 

Nick glared at him, "That right there is exactly why you're in this situation." He pulled two buckets from a shelf and flipped them over, placing his makeshift chair directly in front of the door.

"Let's start over. Hi, I'm Nicholas Nelson, but I prefer Nick. I'm 25 years old and I have a dog named Nellie." 

Charlie sighed and looked up at the ceiling, "Hi, I'm Charlie Spring, I'm 24 and I live in a flat with my best friend about 7 minutes from here." 

Nick smiled, "Better. Tell me more." 

"Uhhh, I like dad jokes, lilies are my favorite flower, I play drums and piano, my favorite food is mashed potatoes. Your turn." 

Nick cleared his throat, "I like to sleep, I like Formula 1 racing, Marvel films, and my favorite singer is Reba."

Charlie snorted, "Reba?" 

"You can't tell me 'Fancy' isn't a jam."

"It is. Hard to argue with that."

"And I can't argue with mashed potatoes. Although I am intrigued by the dad jokes, tell me one." 

Charlie thought for a moment. "Why can't you play poker in the savannah?" 

"I don't know, why?"

"Too many cheetahs." Charlie laughed at his own joke and Nick joined in. 

"That's horrendous." 

"My sense of humor is amazing compared to my agent's." Charlie recounts Darcy's 'I hardly know her' response, to which he and Nick both laugh at.

Charlie wipes his eyes, and sighs. "I'm sorry for being a jerk. I know it wasn't right to assume you were a certain type of person." 

Nick smiles, "It's okay. To be honest, the media only sees what they want. And when you're 25 years old star you have girls literally fawning all over you and they think they know you on a deep, personal level but they don't." 

"I guess I get that. I've had the same issue in a different way. Don't get me wrong, I like being out but it's literally harassment. I can't even hang out with Tao, my best friend, without people assuming we're on a date." 

"That sounds rough." 

Charlie shrugs, "It was at first but I gave up caring a long time ago. I know where my relationships stand and it isn't anyone else's business, which I should have applied to you, I suppose." 

"It's okay. I get it." Nick stands up and offers Charlie his hand, pulling him up. Putting the buckets on the shelf, he opens the door for Charlie to leave.

"Hey!" Nick calls. Charlie turns, "Friends?" He offers his hand again.

Charlie shakes it and smiles, "Friends." 

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