Chapter Seven

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Hi! This chapter comes with a song!

Back to December- Taylor Swift


Nick and Charlie hadn't spoken at all since the club on Monday night. On the one hand, both were much too hungover to even think of anything besides food and water. After Charlie left, Nick had downed 4 more shots to attempt to erase the memory. Wednesday and Thursday had been pure radio silence on both ends. Friday was no different, with the pair avoiding each other as best they could when not filming.

Unfortunately, he did remember. What he didn't know was that Charlie, also remembered and severely regretted running. Both hated that every time something romantic happened it was always brought on by liquid courage.

Back on the set, Nick and Charlie were noticeably tense. The kiss scenes were rife with tension and anxiety and it was making Elle nervous, and everyone else nervous. 

Somehow, they got through the day with few speed bumps. 

In his dressing room, Charlie sat in his chair and stared at the ceiling. He hated not talking to Nick but he also knew he wanted Nick, in more than just a friend way. He wanted to kiss Nick and feel Nick's presence in his life without hard liquor being involved. Charlie remembered everything about Monday night, no matter how much he wanted to forget. The feeling of Nick's lips on his, the taste of tequila and citrus chapstick, the hold of Nick's hands on his waist and the small of his back. He wanted that all over again. 

A knock sounded on Charlie's door and hope leapt into his soul. Tripping over his feet, he threw open the door, only to see Elle standing there. 

"Oh, hey!" He said, trying to sound somewhat okay.

Elle, never one to small talk, cut straight to the point, "What happened between you and Nick?" 

Charlie opened his mouth, "I- Nothing."

She read his face like a book, "You didn't make eye contact and you're fiddling with your hands, plus you two have been acting like the other has the plague for like 3 days, what happened?"

Charlie sighed and motioned her in. She took a seat and looked at him with expectant eyes.

"We kissed at the bar on Monday night. We were both drunk." 

"Do you like him?"

Charlie closes his eyes, "I do, but he doesn't want me like that." 

"How do you know?" 

"He's straight." 

"Who kissed who?"

"He kissed me." He also tells her about the almost kiss at Nick's house.

"Charlie, I love you like a friend but get your head out of your ass." 


"When you guys kissed for the first time on set, I didn't just see a character there, I saw passion and care and Nick. He wants to kiss you. I think he might just need some courage to initiate, so go to him and you initiate. You're out and proud, set an example." She says.

"Um, I don't know about that." 

"If you like him, it's better to try and fail than not try at all, at least you'll get closure."

He hated how right she was. They discussed for a few more minutes before leaving set together.

"Hey!" Elle called as she opened her car door. 


"Is you friend Tao single?"

Charlie makes an "ooh" face and watches Elle's face get red.

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