Prologue: The old ruins

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You heard rumors of the old ruins in the forest near your hometown. There were a lot of people talking and making theories about it. A few people thought it was real and tried to find it, but didn't. Some thought someone made it up as a joke. Others figured that it was a desperate attempt to gain followers on the internet.

The police concluded that it was a hoax and didn't investigate it. The police chief later told the news that people shouldn't make that sort of thing up. But you? You decided that you were going to see if they were real or not. It piqued your interest, and you figured you might be lucky enough to find them.

You planned to go at night since you didn't want anyone else to follow you. You needed to wait until nighttime, then you would sneak out of your parent's home. You're 18 years old, and you don't need to ask for permission. But telling your parents outright would probably lead you to getting yelled at.

"I should prepare a bag with supplies." You said to yourself, grabbing a backpack from your room.

You packed some bottles full of water, sandwiches, bandages, and a pocket knife. You put the backpack on your bed, checking if you had everything you needed.

"This should be good enough... Now I just need to wait for nighttime." You said, feeling somewhat uneasy about the whole thing.

You went into the dining room and ate dinner with your family. You then took a shower and went inside your bedroom. You changed into a white long-sleeved shirt with blue jeans, gray shoes, and socks. You put your phone in your pocket, along with your phone charger and battery bank.

"The news said it'd be warm tonight. I won't be needing a jacket thankfully." You whispered to yourself.

You put on your backpack and waited for your parents to sleep. When they went to sleep, you sneaked out of your room and walked towards the front door. You opened the door, being careful about waking up your parents. You then shut the door and locked it. You then jogged off towards the forest.

As you approached the forest, you stopped jogging. You checked your phone for information about the old ruins. It said it was a few miles deep within the forest. You took out your flashlight and started to walk down the trail. It was dark, and you were a bit nervous, but you didn't let that deter you.

"Wonder what the old ruins look like. Might be part of some ancient civilization." You whispered to yourself.

You spent a few hours searching for the ruins, unable to find them. You decided to take a small break to recover a bit of stamina. You sat on the ground, pulling a sandwich and a water bottle from your backpack. You set your flashlight down and started to eat.

When you finished, you put the water bottle back into your backpack. You went to pick up your flashlight but dropped it. When you went to pick it up, you looked at where the flashlight was shining. The flashlight was shining on what appeared to be a building.

"This can't be... Did I actually find it?" You whispered to yourself, amazed at the lucky discovery.

You picked up the flashlight and walked towards the ruins. You stopped and looked at it. It appears that whoever constructed the building used wood and stone. It has deteriorated over time, and you can only imagine what it used to look like.

You noticed that vines had covered the front door, so you used your pocket knife to cut them. You entered through the front door, which creaked. You looked around the building to see if there was anything of interest.

There was a table, a few chairs, along with many pillars. There wasn't much in the old ruins, and vines were growing along the walls. You searched around the old ruins, trying to find anything interesting. You looked out the window, noticing more buildings like the one you're currently inside of.

Searching the other buildings didn't provide anything of value. You were only able to find worn-out furniture, old cooking utensils, pots, and pans. It was somewhat disappointing that you couldn't find anything interesting. You sighed, walking towards the front door of the last building you searched.

As you walked towards the door, a strange light started to glow underneath you. You looked down in time to notice a portal appeared underneath you. You got pulled through the portal, unable to react in time. You gasped as you fell through the portal, unsure where it would take you.

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